Local Families Open Mt Si Gymnastics Academy – Keeping Gymnastics Alive and Well In The Valley

A couple of months ago, Puget Sound Gymnastics moved its North Bend facility to Preston, leaving a gymnastics void in the valley.  But two local families stepped forward to fill that void and keep gymnastics classes close to home.  They took a chance during tough economic times, taking the empty studio space left behind on North Bend’s Boalch Ave and opened their own gymnastics club – Mt Si Gymnastics Academy and Dance Studio -MSGA.

Snoqualmie residents, Pete and Kathy Caro and Gary and Amy Norton, have daughters who are competitive gymnasts.  Over the years they’ve grown to love the sport, as well as watching their daughters compete.  Opening MSGA was a way to keep the sport local – giving other valley gymnastics families a nearby destination to learn the basics or participate on a select level.  Amy points out that not all families have time to drive to Preston for classes and training – that there should be a local option.  MSGA is hoping to be that gymnastics destination in the Snoqualmie Valley.

MSGA offers gymnastics classes for kids aged 1 to 12  – classes for all ability levels.  They also have a competitive gymnastics team, levels 3 – 8, coached by Penny Loan.  The competitive team competes in the spring and is fed with students in select level classes.  Many of their competitive team gymnasts go on to participate at the high school level, Mount Si High School Gymnastics in particular.

For more information on Mt Si Gymnastics Academy and Dance Studio you can visit their website or Facebook page.  Welcome to North Bend’s newest business and Good Luck to the Caros and the Nortons!

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  • How can their competitive gymnasts have gone on to High school level if they are a new facility? We’re they called someone else before?

    1. The space they occupy was formerly, Puget Sound Gymnastics. Gymnasts stayed with at the space with a new business owners and coaches.

  • My kids have taken 2 class sessions each so far and they love it! We just signed up for 2 months and hope to continue after that.

  • Living Snoqualmie