Letter | Toft right choice for mayor, ‘willing to be bold about raising the standard for kids’

[This letter is authored by Snoqualmie business owner Anna Sotelo. Letters can be submitted to info@livingsnoqualmie.com.]

Dear Editor,

I’m writing to express my support for Brad Toft as the next Mayor of Snoqualmie. I’ve been part of this city for the last 10  years, serving the community with my restaurant, Ana’s Mexican Restaurant. I’ve supported Matt Larson in the past. He’s brought us here. Now we need to make the change to a leader with clear vision – one that will lead us forward.

I’ve known Brad for as long as I’ve been here: as a fellow parent on my son’s little league team, a customer at my restaurant, a friend and as a community leader. I’ve watched Brad speak up boldly over the years when necessary.  He is strong in his convictions and beliefs and can communicate them clearly and effectively.

As a parent of two children in our school district, I feel strongly about how decisions are made and communicated by the School Board. Brad has my vote because of his stance on education. He has been vocal in questioning our school district’s lack of transparency for several years now. As Mayor, he will continue to ensure that Snoqualmie children have the same opportunities as those in surrounding districts.

It is time we, the families of Snoqualmie, have a City Leader willing to be bold about raising the standard for kids. I believe Brad is that leader.

I strongly endorse Brad Toft to be our next Mayor.

Anna Sotelo, Snoqualmie Business Owner

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  • Is Toft aware of the fact he is not running for the school board? His past leadership and business record does not position himself well for Mayor.

  • Living Snoqualmie