Letter | Re-Elect Commissioner Bud Raisio to Si View Metro Parks District

[Letter by Chris Lodahl– North Bend, WA. Views expressed are those of the author, not the Living Snoqualmie website. You may submit letters of support for your candidate to info@livingsnoqualmie.com]

The Upper Valley is special to all of us – beautiful mountain scenery, a great place to raise our kids and grandkids and an array of recreational opportunities, both passive and active. Recreational opportunities are something which need to be planned for with community input and professional cost projection data.

The execution or making a million-dollar decision to implement the final plan is the hard part for any elected official — I know from six years as a Mayor and Councilmember. Not all people are capable of stepping up to the plate to make such an important decision – Commissioner Bud Raisio understands how this important public process works and has made several million-dollar decisions as a Commissioner on the Si View Metro Parks Board these last eleven years and as a past President of the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association for twenty-five years.

Bud works professionally and collaboratively with other board members, community leaders and the community for input to formulate a plan for the best way to spend your tax money.

I have known Bud Raisio for over thirty years as a compassionate champion for active and passive recreation opportunities for the Snoqualmie Valley. Being outside or out in the great outdoors is Bud’s goal to open up opportunities for all to enjoy, as well as programs and activities indoors. Bud was a leading force in my decision to purchase the 21 acres of Torguson Park for the City when I was mayor.

Youth athletic fields were shrinking in number in King County due to growth – use of vacant land was now a premium and landowners were selling to developers. North Bend was at a crossroads with Little League and Youth Soccer fields as well. Kids cannot vote – adults have to take care of them and Bud answered the call. Bud went on to lead the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association as President for 25 years.

I have often said the best “elected” body in the Valley is the Si View Metro Parks Board – this Board gets projects done and done right. Commissioner Bud Raisio deserves your consideration for Re-Election. Please take a look at his website and if you approve, please share my endorsement with your friends and neighbors.

Respectfully, Chris Lodahl, NB Mayor 92-95, City Council 90-91

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  • Bud has every best interest at heart for your family and children! I know from personal experience, recreational sports and activities are so important to him! He will maintain and grow all the wonderful opportunities for your kids in the parks!

  • I have an amazing dad. His love for Snoqualmie Valley and his commitment to help create a community where our youth can thrive has been a huge part of the past 30+ years of his life. From the moment I brought home a youth soccer registration form from North Bend Elementary in 1987, he jumped at the chance to coach my soccer team for the next 10 years. If coaching wasn’t enough, he then served as President of the Snoqualmie Valley Youth Soccer Association for 20+ years followed by years as a Si View Parks commissioner where he helped create, restore and develop parks, trails, skate parks and pump tracks that my own children, ages 11 and 9, now use, in addition to involvement in countless other projects. I am so proud of my dad and his endless involvement in Snoqualmie Valley and his advocacy for our youth and the future of North Bend. Love you, Dad! -Jessii

  • Si View Park is such a gem of North Bend. I feel so lucky to have my kids use the parks and facilities. I thank Bud Raisio for all he has done to keep and restore the beauty, and create even more parks for our families in the Valley. Bud has always put his heart into the city of North Bend. He’s the one I trust for the future of Si View Parks.

  • We need responsible members of our community who have the expertise and experience to serve as a Si View Parks Commissioner, which Bud has done for the past eleven years. Please vote for Bud and he will continue to serve in this important role.
    Thank you,
    Hugh Reichenbach

  • Bud has been an integral part of the development of the Snoqualmie Valley and Parks and Recreation for countless years. He has proven to do what has always been what is right for the community and will continue to support our wonderful valley in the same capacity I have no doubt. Bud has my vote over and over again!

  • Bud is a fantastic choice for Si View Parks Commissioner. His experience and dedication to the Snoqualmie Valley is apparent through the countless projects he has brought to our Community. Growing up in the Snoqualmie Valley in the ’80s, I was one of the many kids who played soccer on fields that had standing water in front of the goals and mole hills like landmines. Today our kids play on turf fields and manicured grass because of projects spearheaded and led by Bud and his team. Torguson Park, Si-View play areas, Tollgate Trails, South Fork Landing, the Pump Track, Skate Park, etc. The list goes on. Buds Raisio has the Experience, Commitment and Trust to Re-Elect as Si View Parks Commissioner.

  • Living Snoqualmie