Letter | Define progress, say no to an Amphitheater in Snoqualmie

[This letter comes from Snoqualmie resident and business owner, Dave Eiffert]

Dear Editor.

I am writing regarding the planned development of the Weyerhaeuser Mill site in Snoqualmie, AKA Snoqualmie Mill. I have studied the documents on file at Snoqualmie’s website, in particular the Determination of Significance, which states “Supporting uses could include…outdoor event space (e.g. for parties, concerts, etc.).” This is the only mention of an amphitheater in the documents available through the City of Snoqualmie.

However, a few minutes on the website of the proposed developers  paints an entirely different picture. Looking at that website, I was immediately (and negatively) impressed at a plan for an amphitheater, which is stated could host “large concerts and regional events throughout the northwest.”

[Full description of area surrounding amphitheater: “3.7 acre outdoor space extends towards a planned amphitheater, a backdrop of wetlands, the historical Mill and Mt. Si. This area will encompass an outdoor stage to host large concerts and regional events throughout the northwest.]

This Mill Site is just about a mile from my house, with the amphitheater proposed to be aimed at the residents of Snoqualmie and the upper Valley. This website is clearly oriented to those who might be interested in investing in the development or building within it, where the documents available through the City are not. It is evident in the website that there is no “could” in the plan. Mentioned four times on just this page, the choice of words relating to the amphitheater include “is to be located”, “envisioned”, and “planned.”

While I support all other aspects of the development plan as wonderful for the community – as they will bring needed jobs and increase tourism – an amphitheater will degrade our community. Imagine a White River Amphitheater just across the river from the Historic District. Thousands of visitors clogging our streets, listening to over-amplified music on the too-few nice evenings we can enjoy, and then clogging our streets again on the way out.

The music will blast throughout our community, depriving those who live here of the right to enjoy the quiet. Imagine the traffic congestion, trash and disruption this proposed use will cause. This would be a terrible situation where the owners and concert promoters will get to make a buck at the expense of the people who live, earn, spend and pay taxes here, doubtless decreasing the attractiveness of our lovely Valley and our property values.

We have all heard that “you cannot stop progress”, and while that may be true, we can define progress, and an amphitheater is in no way a part of that definition. Please contact your elected representatives including Snoqualmie’s Mayor Matt Larson, the City Council members, and Kathy Lambert and let them know that they must do what is best for the residents of the City. We cannot allow an amphitheater to happen to us.

Readers interested in working to stop the amphitheater may contact me at daveeiffert@gmail.com.


Dave Eiffert, Snoqualmie resident

Comments are closed.


  • I moved here from an area in the Midwest that was
    approximately 10-15 miles from an outside amphitheater.
    The music was first-rate and the performers were some
    of the best at that time (Sting, Peter Gabriel, Elton John,
    etc). Other much louder rock groups were also booked.
    Residents who lived nearby were miserable. The noise
    was disruptive when homes had their windows open in
    the Summer. The traffic was a nightmare both coming and
    going…..as was parking in enormous, gravel parking lots!
    Fences and other baffles were erected but never dampened
    the noise! We were glad to attend concerts there but were
    so very glad it wasn’t in our community!!!
    Eventually, the venue closed for falling attendance and
    larger venues elsewhere. Also, larger cities, able to pay
    the performers more, were stiff competition! That community
    was left with an empty concert venue that became a dumping
    This community had no mountains to create a sound serge
    radiating up into adjacent communities. Perhaps bringing
    this kind of entertainment might not be a good idea for Snoqualmie
    ……maybe better for Woodinville!!!!!!!!

    1. Could it be any more obvious that it is time to show Mayor Larson and his cronies the door.

      1. It’s time for new blood at City Hall. Just say no to incumbents.
        For those near it, the golf tournament is already every bit as bad as the fears expressed for the potential amphitheatre.

  • Snoqualmie already has an amphitheater…at the Casino. Ask the surrounding neighborhoods of that venue how much they enjoy their summer evenings. Of the many things the Valley does not need another of (coughcough**roundabout**coughcough), another amphitheater is at the top of the list.

  • Please no. When the outdoor concerts were staged at the Snoqualmie Casino we could hear the music all the way to Tokul Road across the Valley. I cannot imagine a worse place for this. The entire Valley would be affected. Look at the horrible traffic from the concerts at the White River. It would be the same here.
    We have enough noise already with the Rifle Range on 202 and Dirtfish.
    This is a very bad idea for our Valley.

  • The current mayor and city council appear to be doing everything they can to turn Snoqualmie into Issaquah. Time for a change.

  • Fire the Mayor and the council. It is time for change. All we are seeing is poor development choices. A new 5-story hotel RIGHT on the Parkway (it will actually cast a shadow on the Parkway) that we had to lower our development standards to accommodate; a housing development yards from the falls; a huge warehouse right on the Parkway where all the trees were cut we could all entire a view of what we call “the landing strip”; fighting with King county to grow faster; fighting with the county for a huge box store development next to I-90; failure to negotiate growth and the I-90 traffic bottleneck; etc. etc. I am voting against every incumbant with only a couple exceptions.

    1. I’m sorry to say, they must go! They aren’t representing the residents of Snoqualmie. We will have to tolerate the 5 story monstrosity they slipped by us, and left to them they’d have no qualms approving the 800 resident 55 and older community. GENUIS idea, senior citizens and an amphitheater a stones throw from each other. This is becoming a joke. We must ALL vote, otherwise our beautiful community is going down the drain. How dare this mayor and city council make decisions that will not be in our best interest. We invested in this community for a reason.

  • Living Snoqualmie