Letter | Bulldozing Near Snoqualmie Falls Irresponsible, Disrespectful

Dear Editor,

The Pacific Northwest is arguably one of the most beautiful places to live. With sprawling mountains, and evergreen capped hills as far as the eye can see, many looking for solace in nature settle here. I was lucky enough to have the privilege of growing up on this landscape.

Being raised in the woods taught me many valuable lessons. I quickly learned respect from the rivers we fished in fall and floated in summer. The rain and the wind taught me to be prepared for anything, to persevere, as did flood and drought. Being exposed to the beauty and the awesomeness of nature instilled a lasting love and respect for the lands that taught me how to survive, which is what compels me to write this letter.

Snoqualmie Falls has been, and always will be, for everyone. It is a place that teaches, inspires, and comforts. I was recently informed of the plans to bulldoze the land surrounding the falls to allow for 200 new homes to be constructed.  Not only is it irresponsible, but it is wildly disrespectful to the people whose land you are marring.

It is one thing to allow a community to grow, it is another to abuse the means extended to the city via insertion of a suburb on burial grounds.   As someone who grew up in these woods, it breaks my heart to see such senseless actions being taken to capitalize on a land that is sacred to the indigenous peoples of our community.

Is the rest of this land not enough, that this sacred place must be ripped from their hands too?


Carly B.

Letter to Editor

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  • This is disturbing news. Where can I find more information on this? Who is the builder? Is there an organization looking to circumvent this disaster? I would get involved if so.

    1. Save Snoqualmie Falls | Facebook. There is a Rally tomorrow night at 7:00. There is a website as well. It would be so wonderful if we could stop this project!! That area should be left alone!!

    2. Sasha the Snoqualmie tribe has a rally planned Wednesday 9/2 ar the falls at 7pm. Check their blog “Save Snoqualmie Falls.” They advised me to write letters to editors and I believe there is one in the Sno Valley Star this week. The Seattle Times did an article. I think Mayor Matt Larson of Snoqualmie is the Growth Guru wjo ultimately needs to take responsibility for this. But it is extremely unclear. I’m hoping to get answers at the rally.

  • Perhaps buying this property would have been a better use of funds than building a casino for those who wish to see it protected.

  • I think the roundabout is a great idea, doing things ahead of time, before 202 becomes a traffic nightmare is smart, and the state should be planning a NEW bridge across the Snoqualmie also!!!

  • http://snovalleystar.com/2015/04/16/casino-concerts-noise-destroys-all-things-sacred Just to keep things in perspective.

  • Living Snoqualmie