Inslee announces statewide restrictions until December 14th saying, “What’s at stake is life itself.”

Today, Gov. Jay Inslee announced a four-week statewide set of restrictions in response to the recent rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus in Washington and across the country.

The new restrictions come as Washington sees consistent increasing daily case counts, over 2,000 cases a day over the weekend, and average cases in the state doubling over the past two weeks. According to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin, 20% of the state’s total cases of the last two weeks were in the city.

“This spike puts us in a more dangerous a position as we were in March,” Inslee said during a press conference Sunday. “And it means, unfortunately, the time has come to reinstate restrictions on activities statewide to preserve the public’s well-being, and to save lives. These were very difficult decisions that have very real consequences to people’s livelihoods. I recognize that and don’t take those impacts lightly, but we must act now and act quickly to slow the spread of this disease.”

The restrictions are statewide and will take effect Monday, November 16, at 11:59 PM and will remain in effect until Monday, December 14. However, the modified restrictions of restaurants will take effect Wednesday, November 18, at 12:01 AM.

Any activities not included in these restrictions should follow current guidance. All K-12/higher education, child care, and courts and court-related proceedings are exempt from the new restrictions.

Some of these restrictions are:

  • Indoor social gatherings with people outside your household are prohibited unless you quarantine for 14 days before or quarantine for 7 days prior and have a negative Covid test.
  • Restaurants and bars are closed for indoor dining, and outdoor is limited to no more than 5 people per table. Take out service is still allowed.
  • In-store retail is limited to 25% capacity (grocery stores and personal services)
  • Religious services must be limited to 25% occupancy or 200 people, whichever is fewer; choir, bands, and congregational singing are prohibited. Solo performances are allowed.
  • Gyms and Fitness facilities are closed for indoor operations. Outdoor activities are limited to 5 people.

[To see all the restrictions go here.]

Governor Inslee stressed how important it is to continue supporting our healthcare workers, resist hoarding, so our supply chain stays healthy, and pressure the federal government for help. He also expressed a message of hope that with some diligence, these will only be temporary measures.

“There is light at the end of this tunnel. We will continue to fight, adapt and persevere. It may be months before we’re totally out of the clear, but medical advances are putting us closer to the goal of restoring all activities eventually. For now, we have to keep everyone’s interests in mind and take steps that protect all Washingtonians.”

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  • Inslee continues his unconstitutional abuse of the people he is supposed to lead. I am in the high-risk category. It is up to us in the high-risk arena to be ultra-careful. All others should be allowed to lead normal lives.

    1. You’re cool with a quarter million dead Americans? It’s up to all of us to be careful for all of us.

      1. Covid has not killed a quarter million people. Check the studies from the CDC and WHO. Covid alone has killed a fraction of the number published in the media. Again, do the research yourself – don’t trust what you read on the internet. Then look at how many people die each year from the normal flu and pneumonia – both of which have effective vaccines that protect huge parts of our population.

        1. Mike – Per CDC data that I just looked up on their website, there have been 228,444 Covid related deaths this calendar year so far in the United States. Last year’s flu data says that there were 22,000 flu related deaths. That is a great difference. Also, 228,000 is approximately a quarter of a million so MsW is correct in her statement there. Covid is far more dangerous than the general flu; especially when we have no vaccine yet.

        2. This is like saying if you have a heart condition and get hit by a car, you died from your heart condition.
          People that are put out by these restrictions are part of the reason we have these restrictions.

          1. Tom M – That is certainly not how the CDC reports covid related deaths. Death counts are based on death certificate data received and coded by the National Center for Health Statistics. Doctors and medical examiners follow strict guidance for certifying deaths due to coronavirus disease.

            1. Illinois Department of Public Health director Ngozi Ezike let the cat out of the bag back in April in a press conference.

              “If you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death. So, everyone who’s listed as a COVID death doesn’t mean that that was the cause of the death, but they had COVID at the time of the death.”

              A well publicized example of this came out of Orlando in June/July when a man who died in a motorcycle crash was reported as a COVID death.

      2. No, it’s really not. You are your own responsibility. It’s part of being an adult. And you have no right to force other people to alter their behavior to accommodate your own fear or feelings. That’s not my opinion. Those individual freedoms are guaranteed for all people in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Whether or not the people are willing to stand up to tyranny is another matter, but that the attempted enforcement of much of the recent orders is unconstitutional isn’t honestly debatable.

        600k+ heart disease deaths every year. Do we shut down the beef industry over that, or inform people they should live healthy lifestyles?

        4 million people in the US could die if they eat a peanut. Do the other 326 million have to sacrifice peanut butter, or do we tell those people there may be peanuts in the kitchen and they should be careful?

        1. I agree. Millions of young, healthy men and women have died to protect these freedoms that a lot of people seem to take so lightly. If you want to be quarantined in your own home and not leave, fine. People died to give you that right. Not the right to force this on everyone else.

        2. We make accommodations. In elementary schools there are classrooms with nut free policies. We buy store bought items for classroom celebrations so children with nut allergies can be assured that what they eat are allergen free and there is no cross contamination. It’s called empathy.

          1. Exactly! Accommodations enforced for vulnerable CHILDREN. CHILDREN. Jay Inslee is not my mommy and he’s not yours either. You are responsible for you.

            If you’re terrified of the sniffles because you’ve spent 50 years stuffing your face with cheeseburgers and candy bars, washing it down with a 6 pack, and following it with a smoke while sitting on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune, and you’re now in poor health, that’s on you.

            Hide in your basement and keep ordering Door Dash until CNN/MSNBC move on to the next crisis for you to be outraged over. You already have your “accommodations.”

    2. Sounds like your not seeing the real problem right now. His name is Donald Trump. And the people that keep entering businesses with no mask on and making a scene about their rights. Its happening a lot more recently. Not a coincidence. A little respect for those that must where a mask all day to pay their bills could go a long way. And of course common sense.

  • Clearly, more than ever, we need that upper valley pot shop. You hear that North Bend city council? It’s a Covid emergency!

  • Living Snoqualmie