Increasing Pedestrian Safety: A New Rapid Flashing Beacon Crosswalk Installed on Park Street

The City of North Bend recently completed a new safety improvement project in the downtown area, installing a pedestrian-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Crosswalk on Park Street near William Henry Taylor [Train Depot] Park. 

The Park Street Mid-Block Crossing project included reconstructing curbs, gutters, and sidewalk, adding ADA crosswalk ramps, and installing the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and updated signage, and new striping. 

When activated, the new RRFB will emit a highly-visible flashing light, warning drivers when pedestrians are using or are about to use the crosswalk. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, RRFB’s promote safety at un-signalized intersections and mid-block crossings by increasing driver awareness of potential pedestrian conflicts, significantly increasing driver yielding behavior. 

The project was paid for by a King County Community Development Block Grant and is part of the City’s effort to safely connect pedestrians to all downtown corridors.  

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  • Just a gentle reminder that Park Street is one of the (very few) street names that is used in both Snoqualmie and North Bend, so the headline might have included the city 🙂

  • It would be nice if North Bend would put these cross walk LED lights downtown. The crosswalks are not painted and this type of Costco sign/LED Lights would be nice. The crosswalk light at the Les Swab roundabout needs to be redone with LED Lights and a center pole light in the center island.. The kids use this a lot to get to the bike park and skate bowl.

  • Agree with James and also I think the Exit 31 roundabout really needs one. The danger of that crossing complicates foot and bicycle traffic for a lot of the folks south of the highway there. Pretty densely populated too between Arrive North Bend, Forster Woods, portions of the Highlands and anyone else living on that side. Most of those folks aren’t expecting people to be crossing there but I see kids all the time their. I’ve been crossing the road for 37 years and don’t think it’s safe for me, either!

  • I want one of these on the Snoqualmie Valley bike Trail where it crosses North Bend Way just after Tanner Landing – anyone know if that is in the works?

  • Living Snoqualmie