Homeland Security, Police Execute Search Warrant for second Snoqualmie Home in three days

For the second time in three days, residents of a quiet Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhood reported a fairly large, early morning police presence.

On Tuesday, May 31, 2016, around 6:30AM neighbors reported at least 10 law enforcement vehicles, personnel wearing Homeland Security Investigataon (HSI) vests, and a canine unit on Weiting Ave in the Deer Park neighborhood. The Snoqualmie Police Department said a low risk search warrant was executed for the home related to a Seattle Police Department case.

On Thursday, June 2nd, residents in the Heights neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge reported another, similar police presence, with 10-15 law enforcement vehicles and Homeland Security personnel again.

According to neighbors of both homes, the residences rent out rooms, with different people often coming and going from the homes.

Snoqualmie Police Captain Nick Almquist said via email that Thursday’s incident was related to the case involving the Deer Park home search, explaining it was “another follow-up low risk warrant handled by Seattle PD.”

Detective Patrick Michaud of the Seattle Police Department Public Affairs Office said he could not comment on a case that involved Homeland Security (DHS) without DHS issuing a comment first.  He did explain, though, that “low risk” warrants are where officers will knock and announce their presence, allowing an occupant time to answer, before entering a home. Michaud said most warrants issued by judges are low risk.

Department of Homeland Security Public Affairs Officer Lori K. Haley said via email that “HSI special agents assisted the Seattle Police Dept. in the execution of search warrants related to an ongoing criminal investigation. Since the investigation remains ongoing, we are unable to release any further information at this time.”




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  • Snoqualmie Ridge is the last place I would have expected boarding houses – renting out rooms! I would have thought these “high end” neighborhoods would have had more restrictions onthis type ofoperation!

    1. It is called a house share and hundreds share homes as roommates right in your lovely Snoqualmie Ridge Neighborhood. Also, homeowners all over the place air b n b to supplement incomes and meet interesting people in these difficult times of affordable housing. Go find a gated community if you want to keep those you judge as “inferior” out, but believe me they live there too.

  • I would think low risk wouldn’t require HSI to be involved along with such a heavy police presence. The media is spinning this so there’s no panic. Just my two cents…

    1. There is none. Think how much tax money funded fifteen plus salaries for this low grade warrant that could have been handled in a much gentler way without unnecessary neighborhood drama, I almost thing they were hoping for more media coverage….

  • This is not a “high end” neighborhood. This is Quadrantville. There are also two low income developments a little further down the street from the house.
    The house is on Airbnb, which explains the neighbors’ accounts. I haven’t noticed any restrictions on regular renting or Airbnb’ing in the CCRs. It would be nice if they were amended to prevent/punish such activity, but good luck getting something like that approved.

    1. Because thousands of people HOUSE SHARE which is what RENTING affordable housing IS all about!

  • I hope the ROA takes note this is unacceptable. Air BNB should not be allowed in the community. What needs to happen to change this lack of policy? The famous SR rock was fixed….but this nightly rental is acceptable? What’s the point of enforcing fence, paint colors, and lawn maintenance if you are going to let folks start running rooms for rent? Next up, halfway houses. Thanks ROA.

    1. air b n b is World Wide and is a way to supplement income when there is useable, available space in your domicile. I have stayed numerous times at an air b n b in the past two years and they are more secure by verifying you with a credit card and a social media whereas a Craigslist ad may not have those kind of security measures or the landlord does not follow through with the verification. I am a single father and if I didn’t air b an b my extra rooms, I would not be able to afford the home my daughters and I live in. Thank you air b n b website.

  • How do you explain the connection of Sean Clark, substitute teacher for SVSD residing in your home being charged with child pornography? How do you screen your rental candidates Andrea? If you can’t afford this type of housing solely on your own income, maybe you should seek a cheaper rental option instead of allowing criminals into our neighborhood and around your children.

      1. “Mary” (aka Andrea?) – we know Andrea rented the home. So no, she is not the owner, but she did rent this room to a pedophile.

        1. What makes you think she rented the room out? She is not at fault here, nor is anyone else but the pervert himself. And yes, Mary is my name. Hard to believe people can so quickly assume they know everything about a situation they clearly know nothing about. I am a neighbor of Andrea’s and a coworker. She has nothing to do with the background checks nor the renting of this home. Stop the blame game and learn the facts.

  • Homeland securtiy does not get involved on just a whim. There are Airbnbs that are becoming modern-day flop houses for criminals and transients. No good can come from such an unregulated industry. A meth lab blew up a beautiful house recently that was being rented from an Airbnb property owner who had no idea his ‘residents’ were criminals because he did not bother to do a background check and was happy to accept their cash.

    1. Unfortunately there isn’t much which can be legally done to prevent the negative impact of low lifes on communities. It isn’t feasible for Airbnb providers to background check renters any more than it would be for a hotel to check its guests. Any attempts to protect communities by barring criminals would undoubtedly be sent to court by pathetic SJWs and blocked by activist judges. The only respite is narrow case by case prohibitions like barring convicted sex offenders from living near schools, which is something which will probably be applied to the subject of this arrest.

      HOAs can and do create pretty much whatever rules they want, however. Perhaps it is time to organize and petition the ROA for restrictions on rentals. Prohibiting properties from being used for purposes other than owner occupation is not that uncommon in CCRs. I just think the likelihood of such an amendment is low.

  • Living Snoqualmie