[Guest Post by Linda Grez]
The Minutes of the August 12, 2021 Board Meeting were approved.
Communications and Recognition
Superintendent Gibbon welcomed everyone back. Some of the highlights of the month were welcoming 75 new staff members, enjoying the finale of Summer Sing Choir Camp, and seeing Fall sports athletes practicing. The Mount Si Scarlet & Gray Game will be Fri night (squads of Mount Si football players compete against each other) – gates open at 5:30. There’s no capacity limit in the viewing stands but the District is encouraging masks and distancing between families.
This week had four days of professional development for staff. Staff are energized and excited for the school year. The staff kickoff event on Monday featured Board members, performances by the high school choir and Pep band students (who sounded fantastic) and some student perspectives on what they need to succeed in the coming year. The District is trying to share info with families on what this year will look like.
The website has a large FAQ document that answers many questions and will be updated with any changes. Bus driver shortage requires the temporary cancellation of 4 secondary routes due to driver shortage. Some families are working together to carpool.
Governor Inslee has reinstated the mask mandate for public spaces indoors including schools, which affected this week’s professional development programs. Governor Inslee’s Vaccination requirement for all staff and volunteers requires all to be fully vaccinated by 10/18. The State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction sent a letter this week regarding an emergency rule which will allow the withholding of state funding to Districts if mask and vaccination mandates are not followed.
Social media has been highlighting what graduates have done in their careers. On the first day of school community greeters (public safety officers, elected officials, school board members, etc.) will welcome kids back at schools. A student’s comment about the need for grace in the upcoming year applies to all of us in the community.
Director Fancher thanked staff for submitting $4 million worth of grant applications. Board President Johnson thanked all the staff and administrators for their hard work over the summer to get ready for school.
1.05 PUBLIC HEARING – 2021-22 Fiscal Year Budget
Highlights of Budget presentation
There was no public comment to the official Public Hearing.
See all slides for a full summary. Presentation subjects included:
General Fund, Revenues Summary, Expenditures Summary, 4 Year Projections Other Funds Review, Capital Projects, Debt Service, ASB, Transportation Vehicle Fund
Discussion of 2021-22 Budget Priorities including reopening plans and addressing learning loss, sustaining recent initiatives including Instructional Coaches, Interventionists, AVID, World Language, K-3 Class Size, MSHS 7-period day, Middle school counselors. Continuing progress towards a balanced budget but accelerated class fee reductions. Collective Bargaining (PSE in progress, SVAPA Ratified), Curriculum adoptions, Social/Emotional/ Behavioral supports and Professional development.
One Time negative revenue impacts expected due to: Food Service – Free meals for all students this year, ESSER Funds – Funding additional staffing to reduce class sizes, HVAC improvements at old Two Rivers building. Anticipated some ESSER funds will still be available for 2022-23, School Fees Elimination to get rid of all basic education school fees and backfill building budgets, as needed, with other funding sources. Band/Music fees; CTE supply fees; PE Shirt Fees totaling net -$80,000 due to fee reductions. No changes to extracurricular fees. Also eliminating MSHS parking fees to try to help alleviate transportation demand vis-à-vis our bus driver shortage.
Class sizes 2021 in the Elementary level were unusually low due to enrollment, and this year they will be low to keep 3-foot distancing in classrooms. There are similar temporary reductions of class sizes in the middle schools and the high schools.

This was impacted by the large, unplanned drop in enrollment.
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
3.01 Personnel Action Report
3.02 Payroll Voucher, August
3.03 AP Voucher Registers
3.04 Gifts to the District
Donation of $11,000 for soccer equipment and shelter from Wildcat Booster club.
3.05 Secondary Course Fees 2021-22
The District has reduced fees for basic education classes in the high schools ahead of its planned reductions so that families don’t have to pay extra for some academic classes like Band.
3.06 Bid Award – Animal Science Barn
The Snoqualmie Valley School District recently solicited for bids for a barn to be constructed on the old softball field at Mount Si High School, in order to provide improved program and curricular access for our Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes related to animal sciences. Students previously raised livestock on at private or other locations offsite. This uses CTE funds not used during the school closures, not other budget funds. It’s considered a good use of the wet field formerly used for Softball, and leverages some of the existing fencing.
Two bids were received: BFC Construction provided the lowest bid at $293,500.
3.07 2021-2022 Grant Applications were funded by the State and Federal governments totaling over $3,170,000 in revenue to the District.
1. State Transitional Bilingual Allocation: $476,980.90
2. Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Allocation: $461,823.92 LAP is a state funded program serving students with the greatest deficits in basic academic skills (reading, math, writing, and readiness) as identified by state and local assessments. LAP funding supports interventions at Cascade View Elementary, Fall City Elementary, and Timber Ridge Elementary.
3. Highly Capable Allocation: $392,087.95 Revenue is based on an enrollment formula and will be used to support the STREAM program at the elementary level and students qualifying for enrichment/acceleration in a single content area.
4. Title 1 Part A, Improving Basic Programs Allocation: $502,472 Title I, Part A provides federal dollars to schools to help disadvantaged children meet high academic standards. Current appropriation does not provide enough money to serve all eligible children; therefore, the intention of the law is to concentrate the funds in school with the highest percentage of poverty and to provide sufficient funds to make a difference in the academic performance of these students. In addition, Title I funding supports work being done to ensure we meet the literacy requirements in the K-4 ESSA and Dyslexia laws. Title I funds are allocated to schools that are above the district’s average for free and reduced lunch (8.58 % as of 7/21). Opstad Elementary (9.87%) , North Bend Elementary (12.28%), and Snoqualmie Elementary (14.55%) will be provided with direct funding to support eligible students.
5. Title II Part A Teaching Principal Training and Recruiting Allocation: $128,991.77 The purpose of Title II is to ensure learning experiences and support services are provided for educators that promote quality instruction for student learning. The ultimate goal is increased student academic learning and achievement.
6. TPEP Teacher and Principal Evaluation and Growth Training Allocation: $22,483 The purpose of TPEP is to provide opportunities to train new educators in the instructional and leadership frameworks as well as to refine educators’ understanding of the evaluation system and use it to support educator growth.
7. Title III English Learner Allocation: $ 34,686 Title III helps ensure that English Learners attain English language proficiency and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet the state’s academic achievement standards.
8. Title IV Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Allocation: $35,934 Title IV, Part A of ESSA is the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program. The SSAE program aims to increase the capacity of State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
9. IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Allocation: $1,093,137 Revenue will provide additional resources to support our district special education programs. Resources are used to fund staff, instructional assistants, nurses, consultant services, contract services, professional development, curriculum, supplies, and equipment.
10. Section 619 Preschool Allocation: $27,970 Section 619 is the preschool counterpart of IDEA serving students with disabilities who are 3 – 5 years of age. The funds are used to support our district’s early childhood programs
3.08 Declaration of Surplus
These items are old and not usable: 219 Monitors, 180 Computers, 21 Printers, 90 Laptops, 4880 Chromebooks, 423 iPads, 35 Computer Carts, 64 Projectors, 14 Document cameras, 66 ActivBoards, 26 Network Switches, 4 Cameras, 25 Wireless Access Points, 3 AV Equipment, 3 Charging Boxes.
4. Information and Report Items
5. Board Review and/or Action Items
The 2021-2022 Budget Approval Resolution #868 was passed.
6. Future Meeting Dates/Agenda Items/Good of the Order
Future Agenda Items/Meeting Dates/Good of the Order
Thursday, September 9, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting, 5:00 p.m., MSHS Library and Livestreamed.
Thursday, September 23, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting, 5:00 p.m., MSHS Library and Livestreamed.
Wednesday. October 6, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting, 5:00 pm. MSHS Library
7. Adjourned at 6:00 pm.
They should of set some money aside for when they get sued after some poor kid walking 2 or 3 miles to school in the rain and dark gets hit by a car.
In 2019, 168 children were killed by an automobile while they were walking or riding a bike. CDC has removed the “only COVID” column from the weekly provisional COVID death report because it’s more scary to inflate death numbers by including flu and pneumonia, but as of early October of 2020 when they still published child deaths from COVID separately, it was less than 50 so far that year, and that even includes children with significant comorbidity.