Fall City Elementary In Running For Pepsi Playground Grant – Needs Valley Help!

Did you know only ONE playground serves the Fall City area?  Yes, just one.  And where is that playground you ask?  It’s located at Fall City Elementary School.  The 12-year-old equipment is aging and heavily used.  I equate it to my washing machine in terms of use.  With 4 sports-playing, school-aged kids and heavy use, my washing machine won’t last as long as a one that serves only two kids.  Case in point with the Fall City playground equipment.

There are 600 kids at Fall City Elementary School.  But its playground is used by all Snoqualmie Valley kids.  The school hosts numerous valley soccer games during fall.   Come spring its baseball season and playground use skyrockets again.  No wonder it’s time for new equipment.  But with the school district’s tight budget, the equipment replacement cost takes a backseat to teachers’ salaries, building up keep, etc.

So it was time to get creative say Fall City Elementary PTA Co-Presidents, Sophie Harris and Cynthia Thomsen.   It was time to explore grants.  Sophie says the FCE playground project is bigger than the $50,000 they are aiming for, but “this Pepsi grant is by far is the most active & engaging grant.  It is based on votes only and votes every day during this month of May.”  The Fall City Elementary Playground Replacement “idea” needs to be in the top 10 (from daily voting) to be funded.

Fall City Elementary needs some Snoqualmie Valley help!  Currently their project idea has slipped to #21 on the Pepsi Grant website.  Help get them into

Notice the safety board blocking the hole where a slide used to be. The slide was removed because it was cracking.

the top 10!  You can vote 5 times each day to help FCE fund its playground renovation.   You can vote online and by text.  Here is the link to vote:   http://www.refresheverything.com/fallcityelementaryplayground

The online competition is unique in that it is also a “partner competition.”  That means if you use some of your daily votes to vote for FCE project partners, they will in turn vote for Fall City’s project.  This system helps partners achieve more votes – helping all five partners make it to Pepsi’s Top 10 and get their projects funded.  Just call it “online teamwork.”

So if you have a minute consider voting.  I am.  My kids love this playground.  I am still amazed this is the only playground equipment in Fall City.  Living in Snoqualmie where parks seem to be around every corner, you take for granted how important good equipment is to communities.

Consider helping FCE fix up its playground.  Don’t forget to share the link with friends.  Again, here is the link to vote for Renovating Fall City Elementary’s playground equipment:   http://www.refresheverything.com/fallcityelementaryplayground

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  • Thanks for posting this on your blog!! We are working really hard at encouraging people to vote every single day! Our kids deserve new playground equipment.

  • Living Snoqualmie