According to the City of North Bend, site work for a new 23-unit condominium project along E. Park Street – near the new North Bend Way roundabout – is expected to begin the week of June 21st.
These will be the first new condominiums built in the city in over 20 years, helping to meet the City’s Comprehensive Plan goal of diversified housing options in a walkable location to downtown services
City Administrator David Miller commented, “This project will help fill the Missing Middle housing category, which provides entry-level housing to first-time homebuyers at a price point significantly below that of a new single-family unit in North Bend. It also provides a choice for empty nesters looking for an urban lifestyle with low maintenance responsibilities.”
That site work – which includes clearing, grading, utilities, and curb, gutter and sidewalk construction – will be completed by developer TCMM Sequoia. When site work is completed, the project is expected to be sold to Pulte Homes of America for condominium construction, at which point the name will be changed from Cade Vu to “109 Degrees.”
Contractors will also be removing noxious weeds in the project area to provide space for desirable vegetation growth, which is expected to improve the look and function of the adjacent City Right of Way and Trail and decrease future City maintenance costs.

The project landscaping plan includes the addition of 55 new trees to replace ones needing removal, some of which were determined to be hazards by an arborist. When complete, the landscaping should complement the architecture, and overall downtown community feel.
Neighbors close to the area noted that most of the trees along the North Bend Rail Trail bordering the site are marked with yellow caution tape. They have not been told if that means they’re coming down or being saved but are glad the weeds will be eliminated. Unfortunately, a quick drive by the property makes it clear the lot is full of Knotweed.
As part of the site work, approximately 7,000 cubic yards of fill will be brought in – expected in July. In addition, contractors will be required to provide traffic control when needed and street sweeping to ensure roadway cleanliness. Once this site preparation is complete, utility work will begin in late July/early August, requiring temporary lane closures.
The removal and installation of new curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along Park Street will be phased, ensuring a minimum of one accessible pedestrian route during construction. It is anticipated this work will occur in September/October and be coordinated with the City’s Park Street Overlay Transportation Improvement Project.
The Cade Vu project received water and sewer concurrency certificates in 2019, thus reserving capacity in the City’s utility systems. It is expected all site work will be finished by the end of the year, and condominium construction will begin in 2022.
The property and surrounding area have been zoned Downtown Commercial (DC) since the mid-nineties, and the homes that once stood on the lots were sold to the developer between 2016 and 2019.
why do we want more noise and traffic and pollution? Get rid of the city council