The Snoqualmie Elementary School PTSA was excited to announce that they raised over $4,500 at their Raise a Glass fundraising event on March 5, 2016, which will help kick-start the new Timber Ridge PTSA. The new elementary school is slated to open in September 2016 and is located in Snoqualmie at the corner of SE Swenson Drive and Snoqualmie Parkway.
Two representatives from Snoqualmie Elementary PTSA presented the $4,550 check to the Timber Ridge PTSA on Monday, April 11th at the Snoqualmie Valley PTA Council Meeting. SES PTSA President Diana Reul-Shapiro said North Bend Elementary and Fall City Elementary PTSA’s are also raising money to help get the new school off to a good start.
Timber Ridge Elementary is the district’s sixth elementary school and is being built with funds from a $244 million school bond passed in February 2015. The bond is also funding upgrades at all existing schools, as well a complete re-build of Mount Si High School, which is scheduled to break ground in the spring of 2017. The majority of new MSHS will open in fall of 2019.

We actually raised over $13,000, but gave $4,550 to the TRES PTSA! It was a very successful event!