Cody Botten Candle Light Vigil Update

It was a peaceful, beautiful site… 400- 500 people coming together for a common goal. I believe Cody could feel the love of all his friends and classmates last night. What comfort and support our kids brought to a grieving family as the candles lit up an already beautiful, starry night.

Cody Botten is still battling. Still no reports of a major change in his condition.  My daughter did hear about subtle, positive signs of Cody’s strength and unwillingness to give up, though.  His oldest brother sits with him and reads  hundreds of Facebook messages. My daughter knows he hears her messages now.  It is a source of comfort for her pain.  Tell your kids to keep posting their messages and sending their positive thoughts.

This is a special place we live. Our kids have forgotten  the trivial things that can divide high school students. They have stepped up, been strong and truly come together for the goal of a needed miracle. Your parents are proud MSHS!

The colors of support today are blue and white…..

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  • I have seen post after post after post wishing his family well, and people praying for him……but NOWHERE can I find anything about him or what happened. That might help the rest of us that are clueless.

    1. I apologize, but it is not my place to put out the details of Cody’s death. Just know his family and a whole school needs every warm, positive thought.

  • […] Cody Botten Candle Light Vigil Update It was a peaceful, beautiful site… 400 (or maybe 500) people coming together for a common goal. I believe Cody […] […]

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