City of North Bend New Roundabout Construction Update at 136th Street

Several months ago, the City of North Bend reported on plans to construct a privately built roundabout (RAB) at 436th Avenue Southeast and Southeast 136th Street, just north of I-90 Exit 32.  

Construction has begun, and utility installation and relocation will soon follow in July – August, with work being conducted by Puget Sound Energy (PSE). This portion of the project is expected to be completed within a couple of months.

After that work occurs, concrete pouring for the curbs and islands are tentatively scheduled for September and October before weather conditions become colder and wetter. The final pavement lift is planned for spring 2023, along with importing soil, plantings, paint striping, and signage.

The roundabout aims to mitigate potential future traffic impacts in connection with the River Run Apartment project located in the vicinity.

The River Run Apartment project will consist of 128 units in 11 buildings, with one additional building containing a clubhouse/office space. Approximately 28 of the new apartments will be designated as affordable housing for households earning 80% or less of the King County Area Median Income (AMI).

Contractor crews shall be responsible for all traffic control during construction. Residents may expect minor traffic delays. The City of North Bend apologizes for the inconveniences caused by this project and thanks residents for their patience and understanding.

For construction-related questions, please contact Brian Tucker, Development Project Manager, at All other inquiries should be directed to Senior Planner Jamie Burrell at

[Information provided by the City of North Bend]

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  • How many months will this take when they are only working one or two days a week?

  • Good luck neighbors. I live on the new roundabout at 436th & North Bend Way. Pain in the rear end during the construction and because of the pandemic it took a two and a half years longer than it should have. Now we have people racing around it and then blowing out their exhaust when they hit the straight stretches. This is usually the big pickup trucks and young folks on motorcycles that love to make noise – thanks folks it’s really nice hearing you go by day and night. My family has been in this home since 1961, before that it was my grandfathers home and ranch. We had highway (old 1-90) traffic and trains going by but never the noise that we have now. Instead of North Bend being a TREE CITY I think they should rename it to ROUNDABOUT CITY. and take all the trees out so we can see over those roundabouts to check for traffic..

  • Yes, you can place me in the mental illness category for being bewildered for so long on the last roundabout construction & $$ completion. But it’s done & beautiful like our other roundabouts. Kinda think someone will ram the sprinkler control box sooner than later. 🙁 I’m happy with traffic circles too.
    Sure beats near by cities that have traffic lights that stop traffic in all directions as a setting…

  • Living Snoqualmie