In July of 2021, Britt Greenland opened her gallery in North Bend. Now a little more than a year later, the gallery is closing.
Greenland initially only signed a one-year lease with the idea that a retail space with more visibility was in the future. She loved her gallery space and all the people she connected with because of it. “I was able to paint more than ever and larger works, which was lovely! The downside of keeping regular hours is that it’s kept me from longer painting trips.”
Now with the gallery closed and in addition to her smaller home studio, Valley Church, near her home in East Renton Highlands, is letting her use a large, light-filled space to paint and give lessons until she finds her next gallery space.

Greenland is also creating video painting lessons for beginner to advanced artists. Rather than being a video you watch, she’s asking artists to email her their finished assignments to get personal feedback.
The lessons will be affordable with a built-in motivator in the form of a discount on the next one after submitting your assignment. These lessons aren’t ready yet but will be on Greenland’s website under “Videos.” Says Greenland, “Anyone interested can email me from my website and request to be notified as soon as they launch! The first series is on color.”
In late September, Britt and her husband Nathan will cycle from Slovenia to Albania on a 6-week self-guided tour. Greenland will be Plein air painting along the way with a new experimental light, sleek and sturdy travel easel she and her husband have been working on.

She plans to post timelapse videos of paintings on YouTube and her website, saying, “this will be as close as I get to participating in social media.” You can subscribe to Adventure Painter Britt Greenland on YouTube to see those.
But before Greenland leaves, she will be helping judge the Snoqualmie Arts Commission Plein Air Paint Out on Saturday, August 20, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during Snoqualmie Days (formerly Railroad Days) in Historic Downtown Snoqualmie.
Adult artists of all skill levels – from first-time painters to long-time lovers of the craft – are invited to paint “en Plein air” or in the open air. This year, artists will choose from one of two locations celebrating the theme “Rivers and Railroads.”
Greenland, a past Plein Air Paint out participant, when asked how it feels being a judge vs. a participant, says, “Judging paintings and competing as a painter are similar in that I’m committed to being true to my artist instincts in both cases. Winning a competition is significant and insignificant at the same time. It’s entirely subjective whether you are a competitor or a judge.”
Some might think that because her style is looser and more impressionistic, she would only choose paintings in her style. She says that’s not true, and she can be moved by work from abstract to hyper-realist in character. To her, a good Plein air painting brings up an emotional response, a sense of time and place.

The top three paintings will be displayed from August 22-September 2 in the Falls Compounding Pharmacy at 8112 Railroad Ave for community voting to determine the first, second, and third-place winning artwork.

The first-place winning artwork will be designated as the 2023 Plein Air Paint Out poster with a $300 artwork purchase. Second and third-place winners will be awarded $200 and $100 gift certificates to Dick Blick Art Supply. Posters of past years’ winning works will be available for purchase at the Art Gallery of SnoValley at 8130 Railroad Ave SE.
Art on Display at the Railroad Park Gazebo
For participating artists, paintings must be returned to the Railroad Park Gazebo between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Judges will select the top three paintings by 3:30 p.m. Artists will need to pick up works not selected by 4 p.m. The community is invited to view the artwork at the gazebo from 2-4 p.m.

Registration and Requirements
Artists must register to compete. Register in advance by email to or on the day of the event from 9 a.m. to noon at the Railroad Park Gazebo, 7971 Railroad Ave. SE (corner of Railroad Ave SE and SE King Street). Artists must check in and have their blank watercolor paper or canvas stamped on the day of the event. Artists’ works must be started the day of the event and completed by 2:30 p.m.
- No business license is needed.
- Art sales are allowed, but artists must work onsite throughout the day.
- No commissions taken from paintings sold the day of the event.
- Artists, families, and art enthusiasts are welcome at this free event.
Learn more about the event at or email Nicole Wiebe at
You can see Greenland’s artwork by appointment in her home studio, and she will have a couple of showings in North Bend and Snoqualmie soon, the location to be announced later.
Much of Greenland’s work can also be seen on her website. She also says, “anyone is welcome to email her and ask to see her newest works that I haven’t posted there yet.”
Good Luck with your new adventure Britt!