Locals knew it was going to happen. It was just a matter of days.
North Bend Economic Development Director, Gina Estep, said three weeks ago that construction on the new Bartell Drugs was set to begin any day. All that was needed was for the city to approve the project’s engineering plans.
That construction process started today, April 23, 2013, with the removal of the small homes occupying the land parcel at the corner of Bendigo Blvd and Park Street. Three of those four homes were close to gone by 2:30PM. Excavators took down the homes and then continued the process of removing the debris left behind.
Bartell Drugs plans to open its new North Bend store in time for the 2013 holiday season. According to a press release, the 59th Bartell Drugs will be the first all new store to showcase the chain’s recently introduced “next generation” interior concept. It will feature expanded product offerings, bright new displays, décor accents and other improvements designed to enhance the total shopping experience.

I hope they can leave those big beautiful conifers on the property. It would be nice not to lose them.
There wer no bulldozers on site.
Thanks, I got the name of the heavy machinery wrong. Fixed it… big excavators I think is what they were.
I am sad to see those charming old homes torn down for Bartells. I am glad they could save the plantings.
In all fairness Bartell Drugs is not the bad guy here. The order to remove the homes and clear the land came from the LLC that acquired the rights to develop the property. Good additional info here: http://www.valleyrecord.com/business/148166185.html
While the question “Do we need a new drugstore and pharmacy in North Bend?” is a valid one, the answer won’t come for a few years. It will depend on the success or failure of the new business; in other words, “the “market will decide.”
Here’s another question that I believe can be answered today: “Would you prefer the new tenant to be a local, family owned company like Bartell’s that grew up in the Northwest (the first Bartell drugstore opened in 1890) or another out of state corporate giant like Safeway, Kroger (owner of QFC), Rite Aid, CVC Pharmacy or Wallgreens?” I would bet most valley residents would choose the local option.
I am always sorry to see history wiped away. However, is it possible these owners were offered a good sum of money, improving their quality of life? I hope so…….Everyone of my friends are so excited at the thought they will now have Bartell in their area. I think the closest location now is 15 + miles away. That is inconvenient. I hope everyone supports what will be a new local business. What is sad to me, is a casino in the area, not a place where folks can have prescriptions filled, and have a small place to shop. Each area I have lived on the Eastside in the past 25 yrs., there has always been a Bartell. Don’t have anything but nice things to say about my experience in each store. I think all will be surprised how much they will appreciate it. And, added jobs for some.:)