Big Police Presence in Quiet Snoqualmie neighborhood, Search Warrant Issued

Numerous residents of the Deer Park neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge reported a [somewhat] heavy police presence the morning of Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

One residents said she noticed approximately 10 law enforcement vehicles drive past her home shortly before 7AM, saying three were marked Snoqualmie Police vehicles and the rest were what appeared to be unmarked police cars.

Other residents also reported the heavy police presence, numerous vehicles, a canine unit, as well as personnel identified by Homeland Security (HSI) vests entering a home in the neighborhood. HSI is an investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security.

According to Snoqualmie Police Captain Nick Almquist, the Snoqualmie Police Department held issue a “low risk warrant” at the home pertaining to a Seattle Police Department case.

Captain Almquist said he could not comment further, as it is not a Snoqualmie Police Department case.


swenson and weiting
Deer Park neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge where search warrant was issued Tuesday morning, 5/31/16.



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  • “low risk warrant” and Homeland Security involved! Are we missing something>

  • I live in this area and missed the activity. I’d like to know what house we’re talking about though.

  • Again this morning at about the same time. 6700 block of Quigley Ave SE. East side of street a few houses from the corner of Quigley and Carmichael. 10-15 unmarked vehicles plus 2 marked local police SUVs.

    I assume this is connected to the earlier activity this week.

  • Living Snoqualmie