A Statement from Local Leaders on the County Council District 3 Race – Kathy Lambert/Sarah Perry

A fundamental responsibility of elected representatives is to serve and respect everyone in their community.

We have serious issues to address to keep our communities healthy and safe and must stand united against divisive ideological politics. 

We were saddened and dismayed that county council incumbent Kathy Lambert not only sent offensive mailers about her opponent but also did not take responsibility when the harm of this message was shown.

We believe hyper-partisan attacks have no place in our elections and most certainly not in governing.

The incumbent has lost sight of this fundamental responsibility and it’s time for her to step aside.

We encourage voters to demand their elected officials work with leaders from all backgrounds, as Kathy’s opponent has pledged to do, and therefore endorse Sarah Perry for King County Council.

Rob McFarlandJim Mayhew
Mayor, North BendCouncilmember, Snoqualmie
Tola MartsTim Harris
Councilmember, IssaquahCouncilmember, Carnation
Chris Reh 
Councilmember, Issaquah

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  • i agree. i appreciate that kathy lambert has apologized but i would note that this flyer is not the only example of kathy’s repeated attempts to use fear of “urban” leadership and “seattle” taking over the eastside kind of language and imagery. she has done it on multiple occasions before.

  • Hitching your wagon to a Ramos/Perry team is like a quick trip to socialism. Don’t be fooled by these liberals that want to bring Seattle politics to this Valley!

  • I’ve written to Kathy to withdraw my endorsement. While I respect her decades of service to our valley, the racist imagery in her recent campaign materials is both offensive and hurtful.

  • I have yet to speak with any local friends in North Bend who see anything at all “racist” in the mailing and its just another “race card” tactic like was used to discredit President Trump. Grow up Democrats and stop using this worn our tactic. Not everyone agrees with you.

  • kathy, with the support of the other republicans on the council, has apologized. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/king-county-councilmember-kathy-lambert-apologizes-campaign-mailer/7IVXAYNWNJBDNMSV2JNF4CBP2I/
    Lambert’s apology released Friday said:

    “I need to apologize for the harm that the flyer has caused to Councilmember Zahilay, my colleagues, the public I have long worked for and appreciate and to my family. My dedication and heart are not to hurt, but to serve. This message is certainly not what was intended. I have terminated my consultants contract and look forward to moving ahead in a more positive direction. I want to continue to focus on the good ahead as well as the great work we have done together over the last twenty years. Again, I am very sorry. ”

    King County councilmembers Reagan Dunn and Pete von Reichbauer released the following joint statement:

    “The campaign piece is both offensive and inappropriate. Today we asked our colleague to publicly apologize so that the King County Council can refocus on working for the people we serve. We believe that elected leaders must do everything in their power to fight racism – that includes political speech. It was right of her to issue an apology and it is an important step forward.”

    1. I was fine with the flyer. I’m not fine with another fragile, spineless do-nothing bowing to the woke mob. Shame on her for capitulating and giving them their scalp. You don’t win anything by surrendering.

  • Living Snoqualmie