Last month – and after years of planning – Mount Si High School’s dramatic new front entrance mural was completed.
Upon entrance to the high school, the mural – which contains historic photos of the Snoqualmie Valley – starts with a background of Snoqualmie Falls and works its way up the stairs to a photo of Mount Si.
According to SVSD Assistant Superintendent Ryan Stokes, Mount Si staff worked with the building’s architects and Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum to create a “good way for students to see what the school and the valley used to be like.”
The mural contains old photos of the Snoqualmie Valley, including aerial photographs of the Mount Si High School building throughout its growth, along with photos from before Snoqualmie Valley School District became a consolidated district.
The mural’s under-layer is a topographical map of the Valley. All photos used in the mural are owned by Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum.
“Snoqualmie Valley Historical Museum was a great partner and was super helpful in gathering good-quality images that we didn’t have,” said Stokes.
Mount Si High School went through many versions of the mural to get an outcome that shows the “strong, rich history that has got us to where we are today,” said Stokes.
The new mural successfully reflects the history of Snoqualmie Valley.
The majority of the new Mount Si High School building opened in September 2020. It is expected to be fully complete in 2021.

Beautiful, creative work. Thanks for all the hard work from the creators and the designers, and thanks for the administrators for their use of Valley photos and history.