The City of North Bend announced Monday, February 1, 2016, that it starting next week, they will move forward with a capital improvement project that will bring a sidewalk to a section of [often] busy Cedar Falls Way. North Bend’s capital improvement projects are done in an effort to maintain, upgrade, enhance or expand the city’s infrastructure.
The city has contracted with Fury Site Works to install a separated, paved walkway along SE Cedar Falls Way between the Cedar Falls Way Roundabout and Mountain View Blvd SE, near the Si View neighborhood.
According to the city’s website, this pedestrian safety improvement project will provide a new paved sidewalk along the south side of Cedar Falls Way up to Mountain View Blvd. The design also has provisions “for a bicycle lane at street level between these two termini.”
Divers should be aware that beginning the week of February 8, 2016, they could experience a short delay (up to 2 minutes) as the road may could occasionally be reduced to one lane within the work area. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed in March, 2016.

The road that needs to have improvements is Ballarat from NE 8th St. all the way to 428th Ave. SE-it needs shoulders, sidewalks/bike lane-does anyone have a clue how many of us walk that road, or bike that road & traffic is very close to everyone. guess I really need to start with the city planners because this area is within city limits & it’s only getting more traffic & more breakdown of the road surfaces!