Snoqualmie Ridge IGA considers new Direction as Safeway prepares to enter the neighborhood, usability study launches

Ever since it was announced that a second grocery store was coming to Snoqualmie Ridge there has been community concern and speculation as to what will become of the IGA Ridge Supermarket.

Comments on Facebook threads deem that Safeway’s entrance (expected in summer 2017) will mark the demise of the small IGA. Others claim it will force better prices. Some say the IGA should become a hardware store or a PCC.

Who better to answer  to the speculation than IGA management, right?

Store Director Jessica Brookman said the store isn’t going anywhere. As stated for the past year, they won’t fold and are here to compete and serve the community.

But will there be any changes?  Yes, Jessica said, there very well could be changes in the near future, but the store owners want to take that direction directly from the community.

For now – and through the holidays – the store’s current format will remain intact. This will allow to IGA to ensure they’re ready with the grocery basics to customers through the holiday season.

In the meantime owners are compiling surveys for residents to hone in on a more precise direction for the approximate 20,000 square foot grocery store. That surveying process actually got off the ground in September when the store had a table set up asking customers to sign up to be part of their upcoming surveys that will help shape the future of the store.

A Usability Survey Study is also happening in October. Microsoft User Research is currently recruiting individuals who frequently shop at the Ridge IGA Supermarket to participate in one-hour sessions that take place October 10th – October 21st.

Residents interested in participating can fill out a brief survey HERE and then a coordinator will follow up at a later date. If you’re scheduled for a study, you will receive a $100 AMEX gift card as a token of appreciation.

Changes starting to Happen

Jessica said based on responses and research thus far, the IGA will remodel to some degree – and that exact remodel will be based mostly off of responses they receive in the coming weeks.

She said via email, “We have already heard numerous people interested in a more natural, specialty styled store.”  This is something Jessica said employees have heard for years, but they’ve been unable to fully embrace the concept as they were still trying to keep the everyday items people need and expect from a local grocery store.

For now Jessica said customers can expect lower prices. She said they’ve lowered prices on select categories of the store and are in the process of lowering prices on most of the natural and organic items.  These lower prices should been seen throughout the whole store in the next few weeks.



The Ridge IGA Supermarket. Photo: Facebook







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  • just paid $12 for a non-organic raw chicken. Amazing the highway robbery they’ve stuck to us for years.

  • NOrth Bend resident. .. stopped in once.. I don’t have that kinda cash to spend.. I would look at the QFC new specialty markets.. the one in Gig Harbor is across the street from a new Safeway and the concept rocks. Main and Vine

  • Please do not cater to the ‘Snoqualmie Ridge’ people and become what they want you to be. If you do, you will become just like them, snobs!! Cater to the general pubic. I work at a local company and it is very diversive and they are always shopping there. Be diverse and they will keep coming back.

    1. This kind of attitude is super snobby and obnoxious. You need to stop generalizing and get off your high horse.

      1. I agree with Betty. I’m surprised that someone who works in our neighborhood would put their name on a comment like that and represent their company in that way. Besides, if we’re going to talk about snobby generalizations, I would say that the IGA Ridge is already ‘snobby’ with the price levels and limited selection of overly expensive specialty items. I can’t wait for Safeway so my wife and I don’t have to drive as far and we can actually purchase grocery items without being gouged.

        1. I too am surprised that someone who works in our neighborhood would make a comment like this. I am sure Space Labs would not appreciate this kind of PR. And we certainly don’t appreciate their employees speaking about us this way. How incredibly rude.

  • Glad to hear they admit to their exorbitant prices, and are willing to lower their prices to only remain competative. Says a lot that they are willing to rip off the local community and are happy with their profits.

  • I’ve been a valley resident for 14 years and rarely shop at IGA because of the prices. Unfortunately they are only willing to lower their prices because of new competition! I think to stay truly competitive, they should model their food choices to resemble something like PCC or Trader Joes.. specialty foods that Safeway won’t be carrying. More organic foods. Locally grown foods. BETTER pricing!

  • I definitely agree with what you said Shannon! I personally have no problem with the IGA as it is, if you don’t like it then don’t shop there, the prices aren’t really as ridiculous as some on here seem to claim.

  • I would absolutely love to see the IGA turn into an organic/ natural based store. It’ll save my family a trip down to PCC or Whole Foods.

  • We’ve lived on the Ridge before we had a grocery sty. Ty reopened it after the first owners exited. My family is grateful and will continue to support it. The IGA has the best fresh produce between the Ridge and North Bend. Safeway is great at basic needs, I have to think there’s room for upscale options and a willing customer base. Thank you Ridge IGA for supporting our community!

    1. I think it would work in the favor of IGA to do something with their fresh produce like the Fall City grocery store does. In the summer and fall they get 95% of their produce from local growers. It drives down the price, cutting out the middle man, and gives $$ to our state farmers.

  • Living Snoqualmie