The North Bend Theatre presents the edge-of-your-seat documentary thriller Buried: The 1982 Alpine Meadows Avalanche for one night only, Sunday, October 2.
A gripping account of one of the deadliest avalanches in U.S. ski resort history, this film is an exciting start to the Theatre’s annual Mountain Film Series.
“This movie will take your breath away,” said Beth Burrows, owner of the North Bend Theatre. “You are going to experience the full fury of an enormous, deadly avalanche. You simply cannot believe its awful power.”
As one of the most powerful events in nature, avalanches are treated with dreadful respect in mountain communities. The Alpine Meadows ski resort outside Lake Tahoe was among the best at controlling avalanches. Yet, in March 1982, a massive snowstorm along with ideal avalanche conditions managed to unleash over a million pounds of snow that demolished the resort’s lodge, and the surrounding area and buried seven people. Over the next five days, rescuers feverishly searched for their family and friends buried beneath tons of icy snow.

Co-directed by Jared Drake, Buried recounts the catastrophic event, sharing the stories of survivors and rescuers. Drake is a Washington native who grew up in the Snoqualmie Valley. For Drake, this film is about the strength of the human spirit. It is both a story of miracles and renewal; of how we as individuals can shoulder the burden of overwhelming trauma for decades and then, years later, share in reflection, renewal, and relief together.
All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit the Kittitas County Search and Rescue Dog Team. Tickets are available at