Sunshine brought happy tidings to Snoqualmie today… courtesy of Cascade View Elementary School teachers who pulled off a surprise Teacher Car Parade for their students.
It happened Thursday morning, April 9th, around 10AM and covered the school’s zoned Snoqualmie Ridge neighborhoods.
The parade came complete with honking horns, teddy bears and sign waving – and, yes, teachers practicing social distancing from their cars.
CVES parent Christina Siwek said the chance for her son, Chase, to see his 1st grade teacher Mrs. Standfield really helped a lot today. He had been pretty sad about school being cancelled for the remainder of year.
Chase commented, “It was so fun, and it made me feel really happy.”
And yesterday in North Bend Eastside Fire & Rescue firefighters enhanced one little boy’s 3rd birthday, when they made a surprise drive-by and wished him a special Happy Birthday over the truck’s loud speaker.
The fire truck led a whole parade thru the Si View neighborhood celebrating Colton’s birthday – and credit his grandma for calling up the North Bend fire station to see if they were interested in helping. The firefighters were happy to help.
Enjoy the sunshine and ‘Some Good News’ Snoqualmie Valley!