Tucked away in the Eagle Pointe neighborhood of Snoqualmie Ridge is a pretty incredible holiday light display. My daughter and I accidentally stumbled upon it last week, but it turns out this house has a following AND a Facebook event page.
The Dutilly Christmas Lights is located at 34215 SE Moses Street. The entrance to the Eagle Pointe neighborhood is at the corner of Snoqualmie Parkway and Jacobia Street.
As you drive by turn your car radio to 103.1 and watch the lights dance to Christmas music. Nice work… Clark Griswold would be proud.
If you know of other great Snoqualmie Valley light displays, leave them in the comment section.
[Video courtesy of Jessica Self]
The corner of Silent Creek and McCullough! We can see the tree from our window and it makes the kids so happy.
On Stilson Ave/432nd Ave in North Bend, Jay Danielson has a beautiful display as well. Just before you get to Opstad Elelmentary, on the left!