On December 20th, the City of North Bend announced that in an unprecedented tie vote, it had named two Employees of the Year for 2017: Jennifer Bourlin, Utilities Coordinator, and Larry Shaw, Lead Street Tech. These two employees also received the same number of votes from their coworkers.
Mayor Ken Hearing and staff recognized Jennifer and Larry for their many contributions and accomplishments on
behalf of the City at the annual Wellness Employee Recognition Luncheon held on December 14th.
Bourlin was recognized for exemplary customer services skills, politeness and quiet confidence as she attends to utility customers. Her co-workers mentioned that she continues to remain proactive in her job and is vigilant in responding to citizens with suspiciously high bills – sending out our water crew to investigate for potential leaks.
Mayor Hearing said, “It has been particularly difficult recently for her as a result of a much-needed sewer increase, but, like all things, she handled it with style, class and kindness that is the hallmark of her personality. This award is well deserved.”

Mayor Hearing and staff also recognized Larry Shaw on his outstanding commitment to the City staff and the citizens of North Bend. Hearing said his wonderful personality and willingness to help out is greatly appreciated by many staff members, including our Police Department.
“He is a true team player that is dedicated to his job and the City and can often be found spending many hours helping at community events. In fact, most of us acknowledge these events wouldn’t run as smoothly as they do without him!” said Hearing. In addition, Shaw records Council Meetings, drives the street sweeper and mows for the city.

New City Employees Announced
Mayor Hearing also announced the City’s new employees. New staff members in 2017 include Tom Mohr, Deputy Public Works Director; Mike Sippo, Public Works Project Manager; Jim Casassa, Water Operator, James Monroe/WWTP 1; David Miller, Community Development Director; Bre Keveren, Special Events & Visitor Information Coordinator; Barrett Hansen, Temporary VIC Coordinator; Julie Harris, VIC Ambassador; and Cassandra Oppedal, VIC Ambassador.
The Mayor recognized the Wellness Committee for the work they do all year long in support of staff and the Wellness program and expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of the elected officials to all employees for their hard work and dedication.