There are a couple of community meetings happening in the coming weeks that Snoqualmie Valley community members might be interested in. See details below.
Community Conversation about Opioids in Fall City
King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert is sponsoring an important town hall-type meeting Monday, April 9, 2018 to discuss the opioid problem facing the Puget Sound region.
The ‘Tackling Opioids’ community conversation happens Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church, 36017 SE Fish Hatchery Road in Fall City at 6:30PM.
Lambert said there will be expert speakers from the FBI, DEA, and the King County Sheriff’s Office, plus other special guests from Swedish Hospital who will provide helpful information for parents, students and all community members.
She said the meeting was convened “due to the increasing concerns that this issue is raising in our communities.”
Wolf Presentation in North Bend

Then on Monday, April 16th at 6PM, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife Wolf Manager, Benj Maletzke, will be giving a presentation about the state’s wolf population, including size and location statistics for the past year.
The wolf presentation happens in the Forest Service Conference Room behind the main Forest Service Office at 902 SE North Bend Way.