Two small earthquakes shake Snoqualmie Valley Saturday morning

More than likely you slept through the first small earthquake that was centered near Fall City Saturday morning, November 9, 2019 – but the second one got the attention of many residents.

The first small 2.3 magnitude quake was centered about 4 miles East / Northeast of Fall City and happened at 4:12AM.

The second, slightly stronger 3.3 magnitude earthquake struck at 7:38AM and was centered about 4-5 miles North / Northeast of Snoqualmie – up near Tokul Creek.

Both small earthquakes were about 10 miles deep.

I felt the second one at my house – it was a fast jolt that moved the house and made it creak. I thought someone was awake, pounding through the upstairs. It lasted about 1-2 seconds.

More info on latest earthquakes can be found on USGS website HERE.

Location of two small earthquakes November 9, 2019

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