On Tuesday, May 14, 2016 – two days into King County Elections Candidate Filing Week – City of North Bend Communications Director Jill Green confirmed that two North Bend councilmembers will not be seeking re-election in November: Trevor Kostanich, Position #3 and Martin Volken, Position #7.
Kostanich and Volken are both in the final year of their first terms, having been elected in November 2015.
According to King County Elections, thus far no candidates have filed to run for those council positions. The filing week ends the evening of Friday, May 17th.
Five North Bend Council seats and Mayor are up for election this November.
Mayor Ken Hearing is stepping down after he completes his fourth term in December. Planning Commission Member Rob McFarland announced his candidacy in February and has also filed.
Councilmembers Elwood, Garcia and Rossen have all filed and will seek re-election. So far no other candidates have filed for the North Bend council or mayor races, though.
Via email Green said, “Councilmembers Volken and Kostanich have announced they will not be seeking re-election. It will be confirmed on Friday at 4 P.M.”
Kostanich commented, “While serving on city council has been more rewarding than ever expected, my wife and I plan to spend summer 2020 through summer 2021 traveling. North Bend is and will be home, but this year-long sabbatical will take me away from obvious responsibilities of serving on council. The intrinsic rewards of collaborating with citizens, volunteers, city staff, and fellow elected officials for the benefit of our community is a gratifying process and I’m encouraging other citizens to apply. Additionally, a council member learns more of how local government works and the refreshing reality that political partisanship is not relevant at our local level. While the council steers longer term strategy for the city, there can be immediate change and benefits. Within a few months of starting my term, we were able to collaborate with other agencies to purchase and protect land in the southwest corner of town from additional home development. These 32 acres are now preserved under public ownership and will soon open as Tennant Trailhead Park providing conservation, recreation, and education for all.”
If no one runs for positions 3 and 7, the North Bend city council would follow King County Elections procedures to appoint new council members.