Twin Peaks Returning to TV; Creator Hints Film Crews May Surface in Snoqualmie Valley

It was announced Monday, October 6, 2014, that Twin Peaks, one of the top, cult TV series around, and one that still draws fans to the Snoqualmie Valley nearly 25 years after the series first aired, is coming back to television.

According to Variety, the original creators of Twin Peaks, David Lynch and Mark Frost, are creating a limited, 9-episode series to air on Showtime in 2016, coinciding with the 25-year anniversary of the show’s end after only two years of airing on ABC.

New episodes are said to begin production in 2015 and will pick up where old story lines left off in season two, but will incorporate the passage of time as the revival is set is said to be set in current day.

North Bend was made famous by Twin Peaks in the early 1990’s, when it was the setting for Twin Peaks. To this day, fans of the cult TV show often visit filming spots throughout the Snoqualmie Valley including, Twede’s Cafe, the Sallal Grange, Snoqualmie Falls, Mount Si High School and the Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge. A summertime “Twin Peaks Fest” has also been visiting the Snoqualmie Valley for over 20 years.

Will Twin Peaks return to the Valley for filming? Only time will tell, but  in an interview with, creator Mark Frost, stated, “It’s safe to say that things will happen in Twin Peaks that you’ll see. Not necessarily all will be there but yeah, we are going to call it Twin Peaks, so I think that speaks for itself.”

Washington Filmworks was part of a Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce luncheon last spring, where a speaker from the company stated that an announcement was coming that would be big for the Valley.  Some attendees asked if that had something to do with the rumors about the revival of Twin Peaks. At the time, the speaker wouldn’t confirm or deny, only saying watch for that big announcement.

So it’s still unclear yet if film crews will return to the area, but it is certain that Twin Peaks is returning to the small screen – probably making thousands of cult TV fans extremely happen.

Tweede’s Cafe made famous in Twin Peaks with its “darn good coffee.” Photo: Danny Raphael




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