Twin Falls Middle School Mr. Wallace Named January Teacher Of The Month

Kyle Wallace, 6th grade math and science teacher at Twin Falls Middle School, was named January’s Teacher of the Month by Snoqualmie Valley Macaroni Kid.

Here is an excerpt from the nomination:  “Mr. Wallace is such a great teacher because he makes learning exciting. I always looked forward to his class.  If there was something boring he would make it fun.  At the end of the school year, he gave us all a piece of paper with little tips/rules on it and those rules have helped me tremendously.  If I came to a tough situation there was always something on that piece of paper that wold helpme through the situation.  He is a magnificent teacher.  Amazing.   I was very blessed to have had him as a teacher.”

Mr. Wallace receives a $100 gift certificate to the Woodman Lodge, courtesy of Darin Robertson of Cascade Team Real Estate and the Woodman Lodge, and a gift certificate to Therapeutic Health in North Bend.

Congratulations Mr. Wallace!

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