Transportation Updates – Highway 18 and State Route 203

Guest Post by Sen. Brad Hawkins

As you may know, the 12th District boundaries changed last year to include portions of Snohomish and King counties. As the new State Senator representing these areas and a member of the Senate Transportation Committee, making improvements to our state’s transportation system – particularly with our district – is very important to me.

I thought it would be helpful to update you on the status of key transportation projects within our district, such as State Route 18 and 203. This newsletter provides updates on those projects. I look forward to continuing to advocate and keep you updated on these priorities in the months and years ahead.

Highway 18 improvements in progress

Key improvements to State Route 18 near North Bend are currently in process. Due to significant statewide use of Interstate 90 and growth in Snoqualmie Valley, a new interchange at I-90 and SR 18 and widening of the highway are under construction. During certain peak driving times, including holidays and weekends, traffic congestion can be a major problem in this area.

One phase of the project includes widening two miles of SR 18 from the I-90 interchange to Issaquah/Hobart Road, providing two lanes in each direction. During the 2022 legislative session, another important step was taken to advance statewide transportation priorities, including the state’s passage of the “Move Ahead Washington” plan. One of the main reasons I supported this plan was because it included a significant extension of SR 18 widening.

The 2022 plan funds a project that will follow the existing interchange and two-mile widening work by widening an additional five miles of SR 18 from Issaquah/Hobart Road to Deep Creek over the Tiger Mountain Summit. In addition to extending the widening, the project also includes improved traffic signals, new bridges, eliminating fish barriers, and improving areas for wildlife.

A new interchange at I-90 and SR 18 will improve safety and traffic flow near North Bend. This phase of the project also includes widening two miles of SR 18 to Issaquah/Hobart Road.
The “Move Ahead Washington” transportation plan includes widening five miles of SR 18 from Issaquah/Hobart Road to Deep Creek over Tiger Mountain. It is estimated to cost $665 million.

SR 203 improvements near Carnation

State Route 203 between Fall City and Monroe receives a significant amount of traffic, including use by residents outside of our district boundaries. This is a growing issue for communities along this corridor, especially the City of Carnation. Maintaining close communications with residents in North Bend, Snoqualmie, Fall City, Carnation, Duvall, and Monroe related to improvements to this state route is very important.

I have been beginning my discussions with these communities and, in particular, officials near Carnation about how to seek solutions along this corridor and through their community. This route is not only being utilized as an alternative to other routes, leading to traffic and safety challenges in these communities, it is also a key route for freight mobility in Washington state.  I look forward to maintaining these conversations over the months and years ahead to seek improvements to the growing and important issue of the State Route 203 corridor.

State Route 203 between Fall City and Monroe receives a significant amount of traffic and is in need of safety and traffic flow improvements. I look forward to continuing discussions with Carnation officials and WSDOT to identify possible transportation solutions.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve

My position as State Senator exists to serve you. If you have any questions about the session about transportation projects or other topics, please contact me at Please call our Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 if you need immediate assistance. Like and follow me on Facebook @SenatorBradHawkins, for my latest updates.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your state senator.

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Living Snoqualmie