Traffic Alert: Two week, Single-Lane Closures of Snoqualmie Parkway starts next week

The City of Snoqualmie and Snoqualmie Ridge ROA announced that a nearly two-week landscaping project will cause lane closures of Snoqualmie Parkway. The work will begin Monday, April 9th.

The project will address  the center median landscape of Snoqualmie Parkway EAST of Douglas Avenue and require single-lane closures in each direction. Three medians between Douglas Ave and the golf course access road east of Fairway Ave are included in the project.

The median work, which includes pulling old plant material and replacing it with several varieties of trees and turf, is expected to continue through April 20th.

The first week of work occurs during spring break for the Snoqualmie Valley School District. Drivers and residents are asked to plan accordingly and were thanked for their patience.


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