Auto Theft continues to be a problem in King County. Locally, in 2022, Snoqualmie had 30 auto thefts, and North Bend had 28 auto thefts.
These numbers are a significant increase from the previous year. Many vehicles that were stolen or prowled in upper Snoqualmie Valley had unlocked doors.
According to Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force (PSATT), certain Hyundai and Kia models produced between 2011 and 2021 – with the standard metal key to turn-start the vehicle – are easier targets for theft.
The theft of these Hyundai and Kia models has been compounded by a TikTok challenge that teaches young adults how to steal the models. Additionally, from 1999 to 2004, Ford Super Duty trucks continue to be a target for thieves.
Early on the morning of Jan. 20, 2023, another Ford F-350 was stolen in North Bend. SPD Officers located the truck on I-90. It drove away from the officers after entering SR 18, heading toward South King County. Washington State Patrol Troopers later spotted the vehicle going in the wrong direction on SR 18 near Covington.

Consider taking the following steps to reduce your risk of becoming a victim:
- Install an anti-theft device, such as a steering wheel lock.
- Always keep your doors locked.
- Don’t leave key fobs or car keys inside your vehicle, even if it is in your garage.
- Remove hide-a-key devices from your vehicle.
- Do not keep valuables or personal items in your vehicle.
- Report any suspicious activity to the Snoqualmie Police Dept. at 425.888.3333 or 9-1-1.
[The PSATT investigates prolific auto theft offenders through multi-agency cooperation in King County and Pierce County and is grant-funded by the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA). If you have information on known auto thieves, chop shops, or stolen vehicles, call (253) 329-2442 or email ]
-Information provided by the Snoqualmie/North Bend Police Department