Tinkham Road: captures Snoqualmie Valley history with unique musical sound, records debut album

What is Tinkham Road you ask?

No, it’s not something you drive on – it’s a diverse band made up of musicians from the Snoqualmie Valley… and they specialize in music that captures the history of the Valley, including the Salish people, traditional logging camp music, jazz, Twin Peaks and experimental sounds.

Band Member Jeremy Rule said, “The songs are sometimes historical tunes that have not been recorded in modern times.”

They perform original songs courtesy of band members Bob Antone and Chase Rabideau Hannah. Tinkham Road is rounded out by members Parker Antone and Ryan Donnelly. Band members have jazz, classical and folk roots and use instruments like a 100-year old musical saw and violin, cello, banjo, double bass and guitar to create their unique sound.

You can catch Tinkham Road monthly at Sigillo Cellars in downtown Snoqualmie – and they’ve recently started playing at Piccola Cellars in North Bend and the Northwest Railway Museum.

North Bend native, as well as artist, musician and historian, Bob Antone said, “We want to continue to incorporate young singers and instrumentalists into rotation within our group. Eventually, the goal would be to create popular music, art, storytelling, history-related events that stimulate the local economy….highlight local businesses.”

Bob explained the simple model behind Tinkham Road: to create live and recorded music and storytelling with a deep connection to the Snoqualmie Valley culture, which creates employment via demand for their unique music in connection with food, wine and entertainment.

The end result Bob said is ” young musicians, artists and students have employment opportunities while promoting our local businesses…creating a sense of pride, community, unity and inspiring community service.”

AND it’s not just live, local performances for Tinkham Road either. The band also has bigger goals – including a debut album that was recently recorded at Jack Straw Productions in Seattle using vintage 1940’s ribbon microphones.

Then on February 28th Tinkham Road launched a Kickstarter campaign to help with manufacturing and distribution of the album.  Thus far, the band has received great local support, raising almost $4,000 in one week.

Bob says the support stems from Tinkham Road’s music that represents everyone from Snoqualmie Tribal members, to old time logging families, to more recent immigrants of all kinds – and it’s all contained within one musical sound.

To learn more about Tinkham Road and/or help support their Kickstarter campaign: www.kickstarter.com.  To follow Tinkham Road performances you can also like their Facebook page.

Good Luck Tinkham Road!

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