Fresh off her therapeutic pedicure Annie (and her green toenails) went back to school today. Back to her friends who love her and give great big bear hugs.
Her healing journey allowed her two “mom and me” days. I can honestly say these days were helpful. I could see the change in her. She did get some homework done. Probably not enough, but her teachers are wonderful. They are helping her get caught up at a pace that doesn’t overwhelm her and make this process even harder.

Annie went to a counselor who reassured her there was nothing she could have done to save her friend. I told her similar things, but information coming from a professional is more credible. She has talked to a friend who also saw a counselor. It’s good to see the girls openly talking about their counseling.
Spanish class was still hard today. That’s when she started texting me. Today the students shared interviews done with classmates the first week of school. The girl who interviewed Cody couldn’t read her interview….
Annie’s MSHS teachers deserve a big thank you for listening to me and understanding my daughter’s pain. Sometimes the village includes not only fellow parents, but caring teachers, too.
The baby steps back are getting bigger. The smiles are coming more often and looking more like the ones in the picture.