The Road Back Through Jordy's Eyes….

Writing sometimes soothes me.  Helps me sort out my thoughts.  Gives me some perspective.  I offered up this blog to my daughter and her friend if they ever wanted to write.  If they wanted to share with you “their” Cody.  For them he was so much more than how he died… more than a victim of depression.   At the very heart of this is what Jordy said to me last night, “I just miss him so much.”  Jordy is moving forward with her life while missing her friend.  It’s a hard balance.

Jordy Smith is a beautiful, caring, smart and strong MSHS senior.  She is a gift to her family and to the many who call her their friend.  These are her words…

Cody Scott Botten:  4/19/94 – 9/15/10

“It all began 2 years ago, back when I was a sophomore in high school in Mrs. Tarp’s 1st period cooking class.  That is when I met Cody Botten.  We became friends fast and had a lot to talk about each and every day.  I looked forward to going to that class just to hang out with him. Cody was always so funny and LOVED to tease me.  He is also the most kind-hearted person I know and was always looking out for me no matter what; he was so gorgeous, with that cute smile of his and always knew how to steal a girl’s heart.  I could sit here for hours and just go on and on and on about all the fun times we had and all the memorable conversations that feel just like yesterday. So many memories flash through my mind when I drive past certain places or think about him.

Cody and I worked together at Si View Pool and he became one of my best friends this past year.  Spending as much time as we did at the pool made us super close.  When I shadowed him for swim lessons he would always get out of the water and make me teach by myself.  That scared me but it made me a better instructor.  He always had a smile on his face even though he said he hated teaching. You could see how much joy it brought him.  He and I used to run to the employee locker room and fight about who got the shower first… he usually won.  He and I were always really excited when we worked the same hours and he would randomly call me throughout the summer to go out and do something… I regret that many times I was already busy and couldn’t go and wasn’t able to hang out with him.   I would take that back if I could.

Cody was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to.  One day at work I was having a really bad day.  I was sad because his older brother, Trey, had just left for basic training in Georgia and I missed him so much.  I had a break down right in the middle of the office and he rushed over to me.  I just sat there and cried as Cody hugged me and told it that it was all going to be ok, and that he knew how much I missed him.  I was extremely embarrassed but I knew Cody didn’t care.  He genuinely wanted to help me.  He always did.  To make things even better he asked me what I was doing for the rest of the day and I told him my plans to go shopping with Kylie and Makenzie.  And he replied “No!  You, ME, Makenzie and Kylie are going shopping. I’m coming with you.”  That instantly put a smile on my face.  He always knew how to make me smile.  We went out shopping and Cody actually picked out an outfit for me and every time I wear it, it reminds me of that wonderful day.  Later on, Kylie and Makenzie had to go so Cody and I just sat and talked for hours.  It really showed me what a wonderful person he was and how much he loved his friends and family and how he would do anything to get them to smile.  Just like he did for me that day.

Our friendship continued to grow over the summer and the more comfortable we became talking to each other.  I knew Cody was having it rough but I never thought this could actually happen.  I constantly told him how much I loved him and how thankful I was for him to be in my life.  I tried to be there for him as much as I could.  The last night before Cody’s accident, he was with me at the football game and the freshman lock-in.  That night was so fun and we had so many good laughs.  I never thought that would be the last time I would get to see his smile, or tell him that I loved him.  Some of the last words he said to me were “Jordy, you’re my best friend and I love ya!”  I can’t describe how much pain and sadness I feel, knowing that that night would be the last time.  I try and go on with my day to day life but there is a huge hole in my heart.  I love Cody with all of my heart and he will ALWAYS be one of the best friends I have ever had.  He kept me glued together over the summer and helped change my life forever.

I miss him tremendously and I know his family does as well.  I got to spend lots of time with his family while Cody was in the hospital and they are such a wonderful and amazing family, with more faith and strength than most families could ever dream of.  I am so blessed to even have them be a part of my life.  I am blessed to have Cody be a part of my life.  I continue to pray for Jon, Cherie, Trey, Levi, Baly, Grandma Joan and ALL of the other family members every day.  The love I have for them is indescribable.  Their faith in God has not been shaken by this tragedy, because they know Cody is a beautiful angel watching over them.  God has a greater purpose for everything and though we don’t understand it and hate it there is always a reason.

I “talk” to Cody everyday on my way to school and do my best to be there for the people who are affected by this great sadness.  I got to hold Cody’s hand while he was in the hospital and see him one last time.  I hoped it wouldn’t be goodbye but I am so glad I got the chance to see him once more.  There are SO many other stories and good times.  It would take me hours to tell, but I will say this: I love you Cody Scott Botten.  You’ll forever be in my heart and I will ALWAYS love you and miss you.  I will keep the memories of you close to my heart and I know you’ll be watching over us.  Forever.

Love always,

~Jordy Smith”

** Mt. Si High School will soon be starting a grief support group to help students in need continue their healing journey.

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  • I love you Jordy. Thank you for the wonderfully written and from your heart memories of our beautiful boy. You are an incredible young lady. Cody was a lucky guy to have you as a friend, and now, so am I.
    Love, Cody’s g-ma

  • Jordy,

    Thank you for sharing your memories of Cody. We love hearing them. Thank you for your heart and your love of our Cody.


    Cody’s Auntie Mandi

  • Living Snoqualmie