On July 21, 2022, the City of Snoqualmie launched a new website page to process refunds of some residents’ $40 vehicle license (AKA car tab) fee this year.
Last November, Snoqualmie voters approved Proposition No. 1, which authorized the city to impose a 0.2% sale and use tax on retail sales within the city limits. The approval of this ballot initiative also repealed a city-imposed $40 vehicle license fee, which was scheduled to be phased out on April 1, 2022.

Due to system delays, the Washington State Department of Licensing could not update this vehicle fee repeal before April 1, 2022. Therefore, some Snoqualmie vehicle owners were charged the $40 fee after the repeal.
Consequently, the city will refund this vehicle license fee to all those who paid the $40 after April 1, 2022.
If you paid this $40 fee after April 1, 2022, please visit the Car Tab Fee Refund website page, and fill out and submit the online form and your vehicle license registration receipt. The form can be submitted for each vehicle for which the fee was paid.
Refund requests will be processed and issued within 4-6 weeks.
I just renewed my tabs that expire the end of this month and paid the $40 fee. If repealed last November, effective April 1, why is it still showing up in July? For those getting renewal notices now, can the $40 fee be deducted from the total paid? Couldn’t the city have given a heads up to residents before April 1 about the billing issue? If they did, I missed it. Why is the burden on the residents to know about the refund and apply for it? Couldn’t the Department of Licensing automatically refund everyone they overcharged? The city asks you to attach your vehicle registration receipt to their form, which I tossed after getting my tabs in the mail.