The City of North Bend seeks nominations for the 2023 Citizen of the Year Award.
Nominations must be for a North Bend resident or business that has gone above and beyond to make North Bend a better place to live through professional or volunteer efforts or by an extraordinary contribution to the community.
Past recipients of the award include; North Bend Theatre owner Beth Burrows, “Walking Man” Burt Mann, long-time local Fritz Ribary, and dedicated volunteer Bev Jorgensen.
The prestigious award is awarded annually to people and businesses whose hard work, spirit, and dedication make our community great. This year’s winner will be announced at a Council meeting in the new year. The date will be announced when it has been selected.
To make a nomination, send a letter detailing what the person or business has done for the community and why they deserve the award by Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Please include daytime telephone numbers for yourself and the nominee.

Nominations should be directed to the attention of Communications Manager Bre Keveren. They can be sent by email to, by regular mail to the City of North Bend, 920 SE Cedar Falls Way, North Bend, WA 98045, or hand-delivered to City Hall.