Arbor Day is a day in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. The first American Arbor Day was originated by J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska City, Nebraska, at an annual meeting of the Nebraska State Board of agriculture.
On April 10, 1872, an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska. National Arbor Day is celebrated every year on the last Friday in April. Other states have selected their own dates for Arbor Day. [1]
The City of North Bend has proclaimed Friday, October 29, as Arbor Day 2021 and invites its citizens to a community tree planting event beginning at 3 PM along with the South Fork Snoqualmie River Levy, between the City’s wastewater treatment plant and the river.

Join Mayor Rob McFarland, City Staff, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust staff, and community volunteers to plant native trees and shrubs to help restore a healthy forested canopy along the river, currently occupied by invasive blackberry, ivy, and holly, which are being removed.
The project site is next to the Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge over the South Fork Snoqualmie River. There are a few places to park that offer walkability into the site. Park along Main Ave. N or 4th Street beside the North Bend Library, and walk west on the Snoqualmie Valley Trail to the site. Or, park along the gravel shoulder on the north side of Bendigo Blvd beside the wastewater treatment plant, and walk in along with the South Fork Levy to the project site. Signs will direct you to the event site.
Tools and gloves will be provided. Volunteers should dress appropriately and bring their own water and snacks if desired. Due to COVID, masks will be required, and participants will be asked to provide social distancing.
This event is a part of a larger site rehabilitation project being coordinated by the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust and funded by a Cooperative Watershed Management Grant from the King County Flood Control District, and a Million Trees Grant from King County.
For more information, contact Senior Planner Mike McCarty at (425) 888-7649.
In Snoqualmie on October 23, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Chanticleer Park, 7114 Chanticleer Ave. SE. before or after the Free Bulk Compost Giveaway at Snoqualmie Community Park, you can stop by an Arbor Day event and help restore trees in a neighborhood park.
Tree planting will be followed by food, giveaways, kids’ games, and a Mayor’s proclamation. Fun for all ages.
RSVP to City Arborist Phil Bennett at