As the first mini heatwave of the summer descends on the Snoqualmie Valley – with temperatures expected around 90 on both Saturday and Sunday, June 4th & 5th – the Snoqualmie Fire Department announced it is ready to “make it rain” in an effort to help cool off local families.
Snoqualmie Fire Chief Mark Correira said the department plans to spray water (AKA, Making it Rain) on Saturday, June 4th at Snoqualmie Community Park, 35016 SE Ridge Street, from about 2PM – 2:30(ish)PM.
On Sunday, June 5th the fire crews will be back out spraying at Centennial Park, 39903 SE Park Street, from 2PM – 2:30(ish)PM.
Chief Correira advised SFD will be using their on-duty crew for the spray, so crews may be late or have to leave early if there is an emergency call.
During a training exercise in the summer 2014 when firefighters sprayed park-goers, one longtime Snoqualmie resident told firefighters that she hadn’t been sprayed in more than 50 years. She said back then volunteer firefighters would drive around town with Engine 1 and spray residents down on hot days.
So grab the kids and come run through a gigantic sprinkler generated by the Snoqualmie Fire Department.
[** Temperatures are expected to cool back into the 70-80 degree range by Monday, June 6th.**]