The City of North Bend announced that construction of the new Tanner Electric Headquarters building will start the week of June 4th, located along SE 140th Street near the Wood River neighborhood.
This project consists of the new 7,965 square foot building, parking, landscaping, and street frontage improvements on the 2.4 acre site. Access to the new administration building is from SE 140th Street.
Construction is expected to be finished in 2019.
Since construction activities will include a substantial amount of machinery, noise, and vehicles, the following safety measures will be provided:
- The City has designated a “Haul Route” for construction machinery and worker vehicles for access. The approved access is from Exit 32 I-90 traveling north along 436th Avenue and right onto SE North Bend Way. From SE North Bend Way, construction traffic will travel east to SE 140th Street. Trucks will then turn north onto SE 140th Street and turn into the projects construction entrance located near the intersection of SE 140th Street and 457th Ave SE. The return haul route will be the same. The City will not allow construction access from other roads. Before construction, the pavement condition of SE 140th Street will be evaluated. Following construction, the pavement condition will be re-evaluated to determine if construction traffic damaged the pavement. If so, then the pavement will be upgraded to equivalent or better condition.
- No full road closures are anticipated at this time. Partial lane closures can be expected along SE 140th Street from time to time. Dates and times have not yet been determined. This will occur during normal construction hours only.
- The City will employ inspectors on SE 140th Street to ensure traffic control measures are being followed and public safety is not being compromised.
- The Grading Permit will state that contractors shall honor allowed work hours, ensure safe street access for the public, and provide general cleanup of the right-of-way each day. Chapter 8.26 of North Bend Municipal Code does not allow construction noise from 8:30PM to 7AM on weekdays and 6PM to 9PM on Saturdays. No construction noise is allowed on Sundays or holidays, including New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, regardless of the day of week. (To report a work hours violation, please call the City’s code enforcement number at 425-888-7645. Messages may not be received until next business day.)
Residents located near the construction site (usually within 500ft.) should have received a mailed site plan notice from the City of North Bend in 2016. The city stated public notification was also provided in the Valley Record and a sign board was posted along the site’s perimeter.