Wondering why you are seeing so many teenagers roaming the Ridge retail area at 11AM today? Simple! It’s the first day of Snoqualmie Valley School District Conference Week.
Beginning today, 11/19, and running through Wednesday, 11/24, SVSD schools are running on shortened schedules. Middle schools release at 10:42AM and the high school at 10:48AM. Cascade View ES releases at 11:25AM and all other elementary schools end at 11:55AM.
Conference days at the middle and high school are done alphabetically so check school websites for your scheduled day. It’s a wait your turn thing so allow 2 hours to meet with all teachers. Elementary schools schedule individual 20 – 30 minute conferences. If you haven’t scheduled with your child’s elementary school teacher yet I would suggest calling them.
No school next Thursday and Friday, 11/25 & 11/26, for Thanksgiving break. The following week marks the start of the second trimester.
Happy Conferencing!