SVSD Announces Top Three Middle School Boundary Change Options; New Option Makes the Cut!

As the survey about Snoqualmie Valley’s 5 middle school boundary change options closed this week, the choices were narrowed to three, including one newly created choice – option F.  In the last elementary school boundary change, a newly created option F also made the top three final choices.

The two options making the cut from the original five were Option C and Option D.

The new choice making the cut was newly created Option F; one that moves all of Cascade View Elementary students to Twin Falls Middle School and all Snoqualmie Elementary students to Chief Kanim Middle School.  While the feeder school portion of this option is much cleaner, it does skew the total enrollment numbers in favor of a larger Twin Falls.

Twin Falls Middle School would have about 140 – 170 more students than Chief Kanim over the next three years, thus requiring more portables of the two schools.

The timeline for the remainder of the middle school boundary change process is:

  • October 19-25 – Open online Survey #2 for public feedback on remaining options
  • October 22 – Community meeting to review options and gather feedback (6:00pm @ MSHS)
  • October 23 – Community meeting to review options and gather feedback (6:00pm @ CKMS)
  • October 24 – Online E-Meeting to review options and gather feedback (6:30pm E-Meeting)
  • October 30 – Board meeting: Recommendation on attendance boundary to Board and opportunity for citizen comment
  • November 8 – Board meeting: Board adoption of new middle school boundary

To take the latest online survey for the remaining three middle school boundary change options visit the SVSD website.


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