Snoqualmie Valley native, Kim Arellano, is someone who walks the talk. After graduating in 1988, she left the valley to work in corporate America only to return in 1998, marry her husband and have two children who now attend Snoqualmie Elementary School. Even though Kim was back home, she said she was rarely in town. Between late work nights and out of town travel, she didn’t get much opportunity to give back to the community. Then in 2008, she got the opportunity of a lifetime. She went back to school and started her own consulting company that focuses on workplace motivation and behavior. She gives workshops, classes and seminars on motivation, personalities and generations in the workplace.
Two years ago, she was asked to be a radio show guest speaker on the topic of motivation – which in turn lead to more radio spots. She caught the radio bug and wanted to do something fun AND give back to her community. Through her new company she was fortunate to work with many non-profits, community and mission-driven organizations. They inspired her. She believed the world should hear the incredible stories of ordinary people who were living their passion.
The Walk The Talk With Kim Radio Show was born! Her radio show focuses on Non-Profit, Community and Mission-Driven organizations that strengthen the community through knowledge, leadership, collaboration and a call to walk the talk. Each episode invites listeners to connect with these organizations that pour sweat and tears into the growth and support of their community. The show was first aired monthly, but by the end of 2010 it was given weekly air time thanks to the generous sponsorship of local lawyers, The Pearson Law Firm.

Kim has interviewed over 60 organizations and shined the spot light on their amazing stories. Those organizations include local networking groups, religious organizations, food banks, innovative thinkers and even non-profits in Africa. Many of the stories and organizations are from right here in the Snoqualmie Valley. Kim was amazed to discover the large number of local people doing wonderful work. She loves to give these local organizations a voice and have others around the world hear about the great place where we live. Her show is on iTunes, Podbean (streaming worldwide) and additionally on local Bellevue Alternative Station KKNW – AM1150. Listeners can also read/hear about these organizations on her Facebook page and website.
I asked Kim why she does this. Her response? “Because I should and because I want to – that is intrinsic motivation.” Kim also added, ” I encourage all Living Snoqualmie readers to search for their own intrinsic motivation. It’s a lot of fun and great for the heart and soul.” Anyone that is part of a non-profit, mission-driven or community organization and wants to be a Walk the Talk guest can reach out to Kim at
Last week’s show featured Denise Paulette, a Snoqualmie Valley actress whose solo performance of William Luce’s drama “Zelda” earned her praise across the Northwest. Denise is a long-time valley resident and has volunteered numerous hours helping the local acting community. Denise wants to perform at Scotland’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August to bring Zelda to the international stage and let others know about her. Denise say she never knew about Zelda – only her husband F. Scott Fitzgerald. The rocky marriage of “The Great Gatsby” author and his wife endured her mental instability and her husband’s alcoholism, all while living on the cusp of 1920’s literary fame. They never divorced.
There are amazing people doing amazing things all across this valley. I am lucky through my writing to get to know and highlight some of them as “Sunday Morning Inspiration.”