SR 18 to Alternate Single-Lane Traffic Overnight Nov. 18 for Bridge Girder Installation Near Snoqualmie

State Route 18 will be reduced to a single lane with alternating traffic overnight Monday, Nov. 18, near Deep Creek, approximately 2.5 miles south of the Interstate 90 and SR 18 interchange near Snoqualmie.

People traveling eastbound and westbound on SR 18 from 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 18, to 5 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, should expect short delays while flaggers alternate traffic through the work zone between mileposts 25 and 26.

During the lane reduction, contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will use cranes to lift and place girders for the middle span of a new four-lane bridge over Deep Creek.

Each of the seven girders is nearly 135 feet long and weighs almost 74 tons. If weather conditions are not favorable on Monday, the work will be rescheduled to Tuesday night, Nov. 19.

Work will continue beginning at 7 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, when cranes will lift seven more slightly smaller girders to form the southern-most span of the new bridge during the day.

No lane closures are planned on Wednesday. However, people traveling along SR 18 could see the cranes lifting the 130-foot-long, 71-ton girders high above the bridge structure. This may be distracting, so drivers are urged to slow down, focus on the road and follow instructions from flaggers.

Improving the I-90/SR 18 corridor
The girder placement is part of the I-90/SR 18 Interchange Improvements project. In addition to building the new four-lane bridge over Deep Creek, which will allow fish and other wildlife to pass beneath SR 18, the project also is:

  • Building a new diverging diamond interchange to improve traffic flow and safety at the I-90/SR 18 interchange.
  • Constructing a new four-lane SR 18 bridge over Lake Creek.
  • Building a new two-lane bridge over Raging River next to the existing SR 18 bridge.
  • Widening more than two miles of SR 18 south of I-90.

Real-time travel information is available via the WSDOT mobile app, the WSDOT Travel Center map or by signing up for WSDOT’s email updates.

[Information provided by the Washington Department of Transportation]

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