It’s a crazy first day of spring, and it’s keeping local weather forecasters busy. If you peek at the radar right now, you might even see a thunderstorm heading toward the Snoqualmie Valley.
If you look at the National Weather Service forecast (NOAA) for Snoqualmie or North Bend, you might see snow icons dotting the three-day forecast. Yup, snow. Will it actually happen? Only time will tell, but it sure looks like the snow possibility exists for higher elevations and if a convergence zone heads this way.
NOAA has a wind advisory up for the Snoqualmie Valley, as well as a Special Short Term weather forecast that basically covers what seems like anything Mother Nature may throw at us in the next 24 hours. Snoqualmie Pass has also picked up lots of snow overnight and today.
So keep your eyes on the forecast. Don’t be surprised to hear thunder, see hail in brief, strong downpours, see sun breaks, hear the wind howling – and maybe even some snow tonight and tomorrow.
The weather forecast for my specific location says 1-3 inches of snow is possible. But if it happens, it doesn’t look to stick around for long as the high temperature predicted tomorrow is 43 degrees.
Happy first day of Spring! Winter doesn’t seem to want to leave without a fight.