According to the National Weather Service (NWS), North Bend and other Puget Sound lowland communities may see snow between Saturday, February 1, and Monday, February 3.
With winter weather approaching, the Public Works Departments of both North Bend and Snoqualmie are prepared to keep roads clear and essential services accessible.

North Bend Snow Response & Resources
The North Bend Public Works team has stocked essential supplies like sand and ice slicer and is ready to deploy four snowplows and other city vehicles. Staff closely monitor weather conditions and are prepared to begin winter operations as needed.
Residents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the 2024/2025 North Bend Snowplow Route Map, which outlines Priority 1, 2, and 3 routes and key access points.
While North Bend does not use chemical anti-icers to protect its drinking water supply, the City has enhanced its de-icer program. To help with snow and ice melt, the city uses sand and salt mixtures at key intersections, including roundabouts. Additionally, new ceramic snowplow blades have been introduced to improve efficiency.
For emergency preparedness information, visit the City’s Emergency Management webpage, or reach out to the Emergency Management team at

Snoqualmie’s Snow and Ice Removal Plan
Snoqualmie Public Works crews are also prepared to work around the clock to ensure road safety, particularly for emergency services. Residents can help by moving vehicles into driveways and clearing storm drains when it is safe.
The City prioritizes snow removal based on street function and traffic volume:
- First Priority: Major arterials, transit and school bus routes, hospital entrances, and city buildings.
- Second Priority: Residential collector streets and access to schools and businesses.
- Third Priority: Lower-volume residential streets, alleys, parks, and paved walking trails.
Snow is plowed from the center of the roadway outward, with efforts focused on maintaining accessibility. Crews follow a strict schedule to ensure efficient snow removal while maintaining safety standards.
For questions about Snoqualmie’s Snow and Ice Removal Plan, contact the Public Works Department at 425-831-4919.
How Residents Can Help
Both cities request patience and cooperation during snow events. With limited equipment and personnel covering extensive roadways, plowing takes time. Residents can assist by:
- Parking vehicles off the street will allow plows better access.
- Clearing storm drains of debris before and during snowfall.
- Understanding that snow pushed by plows may block driveways and vehicles, it’s an unavoidable part of the process.
Stay informed by monitoring weather updates and city alerts to ensure safe travel during winter conditions. Look for a weather forecast by North Bend Weather on Saturday!