Snow And Traction Restrictions Have Arrived

The Washington State Patrol Commercial Vehicle Division wants drivers to protect themselves and their passengers while traveling over our States Mountain passes this year. It takes only one unprepared or careless driver to slow or stop traffic.

After last year’s unprecedented three pass closures and the increasing amount of cross-state commercial vehicle traffic, the chain law requirements must be strictly adhered to in hopes of mitigating the amount of economic impact but, more importantly, the safety aspects associated with passenger and commercial vehicle-related incidents caused by drivers who are either ill-prepared or blatantly choose to ignore the chain law.

Strict enforcement of the chain carry requirement will be conducted. Commercial Truck drivers in violation can be cited $500.00 and NOT allowed to proceed into the mountain pass zone until in compliance. This included those drivers that had the correct number of chains but failed to have the proper number of chains (2) to meet the spare chain requirement.

Commercial Vehicle Troopers and Commercial Vehicle Officers will also be proactively doing “ Sleeper” enforcement on those CMV drivers choosing to sleep in the designated chain areas either to wait out the storm (so they do not have to chain) or who wish to use it as a rest stop instead of finding a safe location off the roadway.

Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

The links below will assist in assuring all chain requirements are met and increase safe travels. For more information on chain requirements for commercial vehicles over 10,001 pounds, please visit requirements

For more information on WSP chain requirements, WSDOT’s winter programs, car emergency kits and ways to prepare your vehicle for winter, please visit

WSDOT also offers traffic and travel information on your cell phone or PDA. Drivers can now access the popular Seattle area traffic flow map, ferry schedules, mountain pass reports, and current travel times from their PDAs or cell phones by logging on to Please contact Sergeant Ross at with any questions

[Information provided by the Washington State Patrol]

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