The SnoValley Chamber of Commerce has announced a series of local Candidate Forums:
- Monday, October 7th, 7PM – North Bend City Council and Mayoral Candidates, Location: North Bend Theatre
- Tuesday, October 8th, 7PMM – Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Directors Candidates, Location: The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge
- Wednesday, October 9th, 7PM – Snoqualmie City Council Candidates, Location: The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge
- Thursday, October 17th, 7PM – Public Hospital District 4 and Si View Metropolitan Park District Candidates, Location: The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge
Each forum is free and open to the public. They all start at 7PM with a casual meet and greet with the candidates. The moderated forum will run from approximately 7:15 PM to 8:45 PM. Each forum will be in a moderated question and answer format followed by a closing statement.
The SnooValley Chamber says these forums provide great opportunities for the candidates to respond to issues-based questions and for the public to compare and contrast candidates. The moderator will utilize questions developed by reviewing the candidates’ websites, newspaper and blog articles on the issues, voters’ guide statements, public meetings, and questions submitted by the public.
If you would like to submit issues-based questions to be considered for the forums, please send an email to Chamber Executive Director Kelly Coughlin, at no later than 9/27/19. Given time constraints, questions will be grouped by like topic. The Chamber said it makes no promises that all questions submitted by the public will end up in the moderator script.
According to a press release, “The SnoValley Chamber of Commerce is committed to being the voice of business in the Valley while providing value to its members. The Chamber is the only business voice in the Valley that brings in engaging and informative monthly luncheon speakers, provides candidate forums prior to elections, advocates for state and local government matters important to business in the Valley, and hosts many other networking and educational activities for our members and interested residents, community leaders, and businesses.”