Snoqualmie's Project Grace Guild Putting Final Touches On Annual Fundraiser

If you live in the Seattle area and have kids, chances are Seattle Children’s has touched your life in some way.

Three years ago, my youngest child was complaining of a sore knee.  A progression of doctor’s and emergency room visits, blood tests and bone scans, finally revealed my very sick and scared 6-year-old had a serious bacterial bone infection.  We were immediately admitted to Seattle Children’s for an intensive week of IV antibiotics.  Living at Seattle Children’s for a week opened our eyes to how lucky we were;  lucky that  Jenny’s infection was caught early and that she received top-notch care.  We also realized how many patients were facing much more serious illnesses and treatments – ones producing longer hospital stays and much higher hospital bills than ours.

Project Grace Guild began in 2007;  founded by 8 Snoqualmie women with stories similar to mine.  While attending another Seattle Children’s Guild auction together, they realized the hospital had touched each of their lives in some way.  They talked and talked and Project Grace was created. The guild is their way of giving back by fundraising for uncompensated care at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Friday, September 23, 2011, is Project Grace’s 4th annual charity auction and dinner, Harvest Moon Soiree. The location is Pickering Barn in Issaquah.  Tickets are $65 and still available.  A reception and silent auction begin at 6PM, followed by a dinner and live auction at 7:45PM.   Guild members have been working tirelessly soliciting procurement items, most from local businesses.  Those auction items can be viewed on Project Grace’s Facebook page.  It is updated daily, giving patrons a sneak peek at this year’s auctions items.

It’s sure to be a wonderful evening filled with great food, good friends and fabulous auction items – and all benefitting uncompensated care at Seattle’s Children’s.  Last year’s auction raised $65,000.  To date, Project Grace Guild has raised $120,000 to fund uncompensated care at Seattle Children’s Hospital.

There is still time to purchase tickets.  If you are interested in tickets to Project Grace’s Harvest Moon Soiree event please email

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Living Snoqualmie